A Different Place

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"So, how soon does Pixis want us transferred?" Arden questioned, her tone still calm and face void of any emotion.

Erwin chuckled, "You make it sound as though he is sending you away." Erwin and Arden were currently in Erwin's office in the Survey Corps headquarters, located in the recently reclaimed Trost District. The Levi Squad and Hange Squad were currently prepping to be moved to an old Scout base behind Wall Rose. "It will be immediate transfer. You and your Squad will be joining Captain Levi as they escort Eren to the former Scout Base. Section Commander Hange will be joining you shortly after. New uniforms will be provided for you."

"So, Levi gets elected babysitter and executioner whilst I get to play glorified bodyguard. I guess the threat to Jeager's life is far greater than anyone could've anticipated." Arden surmised.

Erwin turned to her with a small smile, she had always been able to see right through whatever he was planning. "You're as quick witted as ever. I don't for one second doubt the skills and ingenuity of the Special Operations Squad. But as you've previously stated, the threat is far greater than anticipated. Extra support would be appreciated."

Arden stared at him for a few seconds, her blank blood-red eyes boring into his icy ocean blue ones. "I'll have my team prepped within the hour."

"Good. Levi has already been informed and will leave upon your arrival." Erwin stated, picking up a piece of paper from a large stack of files on his desk.

Nodding her head in confirmation, Arden pivoted on her heels, ready to leave the office until Erwin called out to her, using the soft tone he reserved for when they were alone, "Oh, and Arden... If you ever need anything, even just to talk, you know where you can find me."

Arden glanced at the older male from over her shoulder, sending him the smallest of smiles, "Thankyou, Erwin." Erwin nodded his head at her before she walked out of the office and into the halls of HQ. She knew that he was referring to the incident earlier, when he and the others found her after losing control. Arden appreciated the offer, she really did. But she'd never tell Erwin or anyone else for that matter of the monsters that truly plagued her.


Arden and her squad, along with the Special Operations squad, were currently riding on a dirt path lined with tall trees. The sun was still shining down directly overhead, the time being somewhere around noon.

In the distance, a large stone castle was slowly creeping into view.

Eren sat surrounded by the members of both squads. The kid honestly looked overwhelmed by all the new presences.

At the back of the group, Lydia, Arden and Levi rode in a line, with Arden in the middle. Her blood red eyes had been focusing off in the distance for a while, not really paying attention to anything going on. Her thoughts were wondering, not really focusing on one thing. Until they settled on the first time she lost control. She could visualise it as if she was actually there. The last time she set foot in the home she spent 7 years living in. The first time she lost control was on her 7th birthday. Kain was only 5 at the time and didn't understand much. Arden was angry because after months of promising, her father never came home. He just vanished. Fueled by rage and the demon blood inside of her, she lost control. The entire house had been burnt down, with nothing left to identify it. It was also the day that their mother seemingly disappeared without a trace. Leaving a 7 year old Arden to raise her 5 year old younger brother. And that's what it's been ever since, just the two of them. They were grateful when they met the rest of their squad at cadet training, it was only then that the siblings felt like they had a real family.

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