Chapter 4: a crying bella

Comenzar desde el principio

Make 'em go oh oh oh

You're gonna leave 'em falling down

Boom, boom boom

Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

Its always been inside of you, you, you

And now it's time to let it through

'Cause baby your a firework

Come on, show 'em what you're worth

Make 'em go oh oh oh

As you shoot across the sky

Baby you're a firework

Come on let you're colors burst

Make 'em go oh oh oh

You're gonna leave 'em falling down

Boom, boom boom

Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

Its always been inside of you, you, you

And now it's time to let it through

They sang this song and danced the lesson away, it was truly amazing. With all of there backflips dives, twirls and even there ballet moves courtsey of my ass dragging them with me to lessons but anyway they truly were amazing, and I ofcourse recorded it all, I know have a video that will be on Youtube and Facebook muwahaahaha, ok eveil laughing is never a good idea.

'OMO guys that was amazing! You guys planned this didn't you?'

'Well yeah ofcourse we did! We all did but Jess'

'That's ok' and with a smile I planned the ultimate prank on everyone that I don't like that much. The ultimate prank!

'Lyscia should we be afraid' Beth exclaims because she knows me to well.

'Nope, I was just wondering about what is the perfect thank you song, that's all' they all looked relieved when I said this cus my pranks are that epic 'Oh ok then so why not get your butt on stage and sing us your song, and don't forget a dance'

'Ok guys get ready for this one' I take out my ipod and plug it in, and change it to the perfect song. I listen to the song and climbing on a table, I start to shake my head and jump on the table. The words on my shirt cus everyone has been signing it started to move and make sentences that started to sound wrong sometimes. I then looked at them and started to sing You by the Hillsong. I was singing and dancing with all my heart and everyone was cheering me on, some joined me in dancing Kaden videod the whole thing while the teachers just watched and seemed happy. We really enjoyed ourselves, while singing we took pictures and videod. It looks like an amazing video that looks like fun, if I edit it, it will look amazing and proffesional!!! Hollywood here we come hahahaha not really but youtube, and facebook sure is gonna love this, hell I love it and that is all that matters. I jump of the table and grab a few of them, drag them to the table and all 3 of us are up there singing and dancing well mainly me singing cus they have never heard it before.

The song goes like this;

Invading all my weakness

You wrapped me in grace

The worst of me succeeded by the best of you

My heart is overtaken

My soul is overwhelmed

The worst of me succeeded by the best of you

My dreams have their purpose

My future in your hands

This life would have no meaning if it weren't for you

So I lay me down

For kingdom come

Steel all that is within me

'Cause all I want in this world is more of you

In the less of me it is you

Increasing as I fade away

Your light for all the world to see

It is you who breaks the chains

It is you who lights the way

And everything I am cries out for you

Lord make my life transparent

Your life in mine displayed

And let every earthly glory go back to you




So I lay me down

For kingdom come

Steel all that is within me

'Cause all I want in this world is more of you

In the less of me it is you

Increasing as I fade away

Your light for all the world to see

It is you who breaks the chains

It is you who lights the way

And everything I am cries out for you





At the end of the song I get a loud applause as it seems that I had gained a large audience. I am smiling like mad because it felt great.

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