"I..." He tries to find words but I don't give him enough time before I start talking again.

"Okay. Remember when you came to see me at work and all those fans showed up? Well the same thing happened the next day and I was fired because of it. It turns out Josh was behind the leak, and basically got me fired. We had a big fight and we broke up. The next morning, he came by my house before he went to work to pick up some things he had left at my house. He probably picked up the shirt by accident and threw it on. It was all an honest misunderstanding. You gotta believe me Harry. I would never give you a reason to hate me. And... Everything I told Mitch was the truth. You believe me right? I mean... I'm sorry-" He cuts my panicked ramble off.

He got up quickly from his seat,came up to me, and hugged me.

It was a tight hug. I almost immediately hugged back.

I say almost because I was in shock of how fast he was to hug me at first.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" I almost whisper.

"There is nothing to forgive, I was stupid and misunderstood. It's quite embarrassing actually and I'm so so sorry-"

"Hey, don't apologize. No one did anything let's just leave it at that." I speak sounding muffled because I'm pretty much talking into his shirt.

We go silent, just taking in the hug.

Until he finally speaks up.

"So..." He says slowly pulling back from the hug. He trails down my arms with his hands and grabs my hands, interlocking our fingers together looking nervous.

He was looking at our hands and I was too.

It felt right.

Then he looked up at me, but I couldn't look into his eyes because I knew I'd blush so I just looked at our hands.

"So..." I repeat.

"You guys really aren't together anymore, huh..." He can't help the faint smile on his lips.

"Nope..." I smirk.

"... I'm assuming you're gonna need some time to get over him, right?" He says still holding my hands.

"What would you do if I were to say 'no'?" I smirk.

Sorry if it sounds insensitive or something, but I'm not gonna take time away from being with Harry to get over an asshole who didn't treat me right.

"Well in that case I'd ask you out right now... Only if... You like me too of course."

I stand on my tip toes and give him a gentle kiss on his cheek. His right, my left. To be specific. That's the side with his dimple.

"Of course I like you like that. I tried to tell myself for a long time I didn't because it scared me,but it didn't work. The truth always comes out." I smile.

I just stare at him and take in the wide toothy grin on his face as well as the relief chuckle he's letting out.

"You had me frightened for a second. I thought you were gonna kiss me on the cheek and tell me I'm a good friend." He laughs and I join in.

We take in the moment.

Then I remember.

"Wait, should I tell them that they can come back in so you guys can finish that song you were playing or-"

"No no no, I don't want to finish that song." He says quickly.

"Why not?"

"It's uh- Irrelevant." He says sounding almost guilty.

"Is it about what you thought happened?" I giggle at his awkwardness.

"Yeah... Anways, it's unimportant! So... I was thinking I send them home and we do something instead."

"Like what?" I can't help but smile at his words.

"Well, you like me too so..." He smiles. "... Naomi will you go on a date with me?"

This is it.

This is that feeling that people talk about in movies.

It feels like an infinite amount of butterflies in my stomach.

I've never smiled so much in my life.

All I can do is stare at him and take in the moment.

"Please say something you're making me nervous." Harry laughs.

"Oh shit, yeah. Sorry. Of course I'll go on a date with you Harry." I say throwing my arms around his neck, giving him a bug hug.

He chuckles out of relief and kisses my head.

"What are we gonna do? I need to know how to dress."

"Wear whatever you want, it doesn't matter." He laughs.

"Well, how nice will you be dressed?" I need some sort of gage to go by.

"Oh, well I'll be wearing a suit of course. Need to look my best." He smirks.

"Oh so you're just trying to show me up?" I joke.

"Of course I am." He jokes back.

"So... Pick you up at eight?" He smirks.

"Perfect. Gotta go home and start getting ready. Since you won't tell me what we're gonna do it's gonna take a while to get an outfit together."

"This is gonna be great, I promise." He smiles.

"I'm so ready." I smile and start heading for the door.

"Trust me, you're not ready baby."

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