I start to feel claustrophobic in this group of people and my breathing gets heavy. I push my way out of the crowd again and find my way to the bathroom. Luckily it's empty. I close the door behind me as I sway back and forth and my vision keeps going black and back to normal. What the hell did they give me? Am I supposed to feel this way?

"I should call someone!" I say to no one but myself. Who though? I think of my only options: Hannah would kill me... Mom and dad are in a different state and would also kill me... Rose and Hazel were the ones to give me this stuff.


I pull my phone out of my pocket and press a few buttons and put it up to my ear, resting my body against the bathroom sink so I don't fall over while the line rings.

"Lillian?" Theo answers.

I choke. Why the hell am I calling Theo?

"Lillian, what's up?" he says. "Are you okay?"

"I... uhh..." I stutter. "I didn't know who else to call."

He pauses for a second. "Are you safe?"

The room spins and my vision goes black again. "They... gave me pills. I... don't feel good." My words just pour out of my mouth. I have no control.

"Pills? Are you at school?"

I take a deep breath and stumble over my feet.

"Lillian, where are you?" Theo sounds almost frantic.

I stumble again and my phone slips out of my hand and lands on the floor. I instantly feel nauseous and make my way to the toilet and vomit blue all over the toilet and onto the floor. I choke in between heaves and my vision blacks completely, I fall and all I feel is hitting my head against something hard with a loud crash. Then, nothing.

I can't see anything, only hear frantic muffled voices of people that I barely recognize.

I cough and start choking on something stuck in my throat, then I am rolled onto my side. More of my stomach contents exit my mouth onto the bathroom floor and I feel the sounds of people sighing in relief. I blink my eyes open and see that I'm surrounded by the familiar faces of the Dissidents, but I don't see Rose nor Hazel. I can barely remember the names of the other members I met tonight. I feel the freezing cold of my clothes sticking to me, sopping wet. My head is spinning, my stomach is twisted into knots and I can't stop shaking.

"Lillian, are you okay?" I hear a familiar voice sitting next to me say. "Can you talk?"

I carefully turn my head to him, then remember that it's Asher.

"What happened?" I squeak out in a hoarse voice.

"Lillian!" Alexa, I remember, says. She stands at the bathroom doorway with... Cory? No - Cody. "Thank God!" she says.

"We thought we lost you..." Cody says softly.

"Why am I so cold?" I say, still raspy.

"The boys thought it would be a good idea to put you in the shower under cold water to wake you up," Alexa says while rolling her eyes.

"You stopped breathing, Lillian," Asher says. "Luckily, Cody found you here when he did. We all did what we could to help."

I realize Asher has me in his arms, cradling me on his lap. "Alexa, go find Lillian a towel and a first aid kit for her head," he orders her sternly. She nods and heads out of the bathroom. "Cody, go get her some water." Cody also does as he's told and rushes out of the bathroom.

"Where's-" I cough again. "Hazel and Rose?" I look outside the bathroom door and the music is no longer playing and the house sounds empty, besides the stamping feet of Alexa and Cody running around.

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