A New Adventure Begins | 5

Start from the beginning

Sandy and Tang glanced at each other before looking back at Pigsy in concern.

Jinhua gently placed a hand on Mei's shoulder and watched the girl relax her stance instantly at the touch, "Mei... I thought I told you not to attack your allies?" Her voice almost sounded amused.

Mei glanced up almost hesitantly as she met her master's stern gaze, "Sorry... My body acted on its own record." She rubbed her neck in a fit of nervous chuckles.

Jinhua shook her head slowly and glanced back up at the group, "I'm saying that MK needs to meet the Monkey King and gain some knowledge of the situation. For now, we have something better to do." She glanced back at the sea.

Mei and the others followed her gaze and immediately felt a clicking sound go off their heads as they realized what that job was.

"We're gonna buy some time aren't we?" Tang sighed.

"If that's what MK needs then that's what he's gonna get!" Pigsy crossed his arms with a determined grin.

"Those demon bullies are gonna... Pay." Mei stated with a malicious smirk appearing on her lips, which made Jinhua remind her of herself.

With a firm nod Jinhua held up her hand and formed two identical katanas and handed one to Mei.

With a short gasp that formed into a squeal, Mei swung the katana almost perfectly and gapped at it, "Your giving me a real one!?" She giggled happily, her bright jade colored eyes sparkled at the clear reflection it had.

Jinhua gave the apprentice a wink, "Your gonna need it." She huffed with a small smirk splitting her face. And with that she twirled the regular katana around and pointed it outwards towards the sea in the direction of the city and havoc.

"Well? Let's get this thing started, shall we?" Her violet eyes flashed a gold before Sandy started the engine.


Kneeling on the top of Pigsy's truck proved to be a challenge as every curve he drove onto was like going sideways on a wave, especially with every bump being one of those abnormally armored demon bulls. But the screaming from the group of friends inside was almost giving Jinhua a mild headache.

Tang started to shriek even louder as he called out, "Oh no! They're secret weapon-! Barrels!"

Jinhua rolled her eyes as she readied her sword, "Jusy keep trying straight!" She called out as she stood up to her full height on the truck's hood.




"You got it demon lady!"

With a sight grin, Jinhua swung from her shoulder down to her hip as a wave of gold shot forward and cut one of the bouncing barrels in half, flying by on each side of the truck.

With each barrel that came flying towards them, it received the same fate as the last. Until one of them exploded and then crashed into the truck, resulting in everyone jumping out and abandoning their transportation.

The strange bull demon contraption seemed to almost feel fear at the look, the group was giving him. So it tried to flee.

Fortunately, Pigsy landed on him from the giant jump of exiting his truck. He let out a groan of irritation and held his kitchen lattle defiantly.

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