"I told you the guys would want to watch him." She said with a laugh pulling out of the driveway.

Wyatt has Memphis right now

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Wyatt has Memphis right now.

I don't think he knows what he's doing.

"Dude why are you holding him like that?" Jaxon asked him. I burst out laughing.

"Well I don't really know, he's chilling." He said coming over to the couch and setting down.

He put Memphis beside him so he's facing the tv.

"Make sure he doesn't roll off." I say getting up to go into the kitchen.

When I walk into the kitchen I hear little man start to cry.

What did Wyatt do now?

"What'd you do?" I asked walking back into the kitchen.

"I don't know he saw you leave and started crying bro I didn't do anything!" He said walking over to me with Memphis on his hands and holding him out like he has a dirty diaper.

"You know how to work baby's you have a little brother." He said when he gets to me handing me Memphis.

I take him in my arms and put my arm around his legs so his face is by my head.

"Hey little man." I say walking back into the kitchen. He giggles at me before burying his head in my neck.

"Are you tired?" I ask him opening the fridge to take out the watermelon, sandy our house keeper cut up.

Memphis lifted his head when I sat down the watermelon and licked his lips.

"Oh you like watermelon huh?"

"Hey guys come in here for a sec!" I yelled.

"Yes your majesty?" Jaxon said walking in Wyatt hot in his heals.

"Do you think he can have watermelon?" I asked. I don't just want to eat it in front of him and not give him any.

"I don't know?" Jaxon shrugged his shoulders.

"What if we blended it up into a smoothie?" Wyatt said with a satisfied look on his face.

"Just call river" Jaxon suggested.

"Ok." I said pulling my phone out of my pocket and clicking on rivers contact.

She answers on the second ring.

"Hey did something happen?" She asked with worry in her voice.

I put the phone in speaker so I can switch Memphis to my other side.

"No nothing happened, we were just wondering if Memphis could have watermelon?" I asked.

"I mean you can try I don't know if he'll like it." She said.

"He keeps licking his lips every time he looks down at it!" Wyatt said with a laugh.

"Ok well yea you can give him some but I have to go because Ev's calling me bye!" She said.

"Bye."'I said before hanging up.

"Ok!" Wyatt says clapping his hands.

Why the fuck is he clapping his hands?

"Set him down on the counter." Jaxon says following Wyatt and standing next to me.

I set him down on the counter right in front of the bowl of watermelon. Good thing he can setup on his own.

"Do a little one first, Jaxon got the camera ready?" Wyatt asked.

"Why do we need to record?" I asked looking over to Wyatt.

"Rivers gonna wanna see his first bite of watermelon." He said in a duh voice.

"Ok It's recording!" Jaxon said pointing the phone at Memphis then to us And back to Memphis.

"Alright here we go." I say and pick up a small pice then put it up to his face.

At first he looks at it then he opens his mouth signaling that he wants me to put it in his mouth.

When I do he starts smiling, once he chews it he's claps his hands and laughs.

"I guess he likes it." I say looking over to Jaxon where he had the camera pointed at me.

"What else can he eat?" Wyatt asked.


Right know where all setting done on the L shaped couch watching Shrek, we're on the second one now.

Memphis is drinking his milk that river packed for him.

They said they should be back by 8:30pm but it's already 9:00pm, so I don't know when they're coming back.

"When are they gonna get back?" Wyatt asked for the hundredth time.

"Why you miss your little girlfriend?" Jaxon said with a baby voice.

"Pfft what no?" He said looking back at the tv.

"Is that a blush I see coming on?" I ask him.

He's definitely blushing.

"Oh don't start I know you miss river you didn't even really get to talk to her!" He shot right back.

"So I know I miss her." I say turning back to Memphis who smiles at me around the bottle.

"You miss your mama too hum?" I say stroking his haed.

"You like her don't you?" Jaxon asked me.

Before I got the chance to answer the front door opened.

"We're back!!" Everest yelled coming into the living room.

They both walked in and when Memphis saw river he through the bottle and set up.

He started to whine and reach his hands out to her.

"Aww baby I missed you!" River said taking Memphis into her arms and hugging him.

He pulls back and looks at her face then reaches his hands down her shirt.

Everest throws her head back laughing.

"Hah he just missed your boobs!" She said laughing. River just shaked her head.

She headed over to his diaper bag and pulled out a cover.

Once they were settled on the couch, river beside me and Everest beside Wyatt and Jaxon in the middle Wyatt asked a question.

"So why did you guys go shopping?" He asked.

"Because my sister is getting married and I needed to get her a present." She said looking up at him.

"Yea I'm going to." Everest chimed in.

"Yea Stella said y'all guys could come if you want." River said looking at all of us.

"You need a date?"


         Hey I hoped you liked this chapter.

I'm trying to write more but I have the biggest case of writers block right now so I have no clue when the next chapter will be out anyways :)

Xo, Abby

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