"I was woken up the same way you were, just with a bit more teeth."

"How did you know I was having a nightmare?"

"Felix did actually."


"I have my suspicions really. I'll have to work that out tomorrow, it's too late to think so much, really."

"Do you ever think much?"

Draco winced and was going to immediately apologize but Harry laughed.

"Some things never change. Merlin Malfoy, it really is so refreshing to talk to you."

"That slipped out."

"I don't mind at all. Just because we're friends doesn't mean you need to treat me much differently. I'd be quite bored and honestly a tad concerned if you were nice to me all the time."

"Noted. You are such a good boy Felix," Draco cooed, hugging him tightly. "I have half a mind to duel you for your dog Potter."

"If my baby boy goes missing I know exactly where he'll be," Harry challenged.

"Did you want to come and sit?"

The question was asked unexpectedly, but Harry nodded and sat next to Draco, Felix in between them.

"I can leave the bathroom door open when I sleep if you'd like. In case you need a wakeup call."

"I don't want to be bother-"

"Your nightmare looked painful. If my theory is correct Felix will just wake me up so he can get to you anyway."

"Okay, thank you."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, their thoughts wandering, as they both pet Felix. At one point, their hands touched. Instead of jerking away, Harry grabbed Draco's hand and squeezed it lightly as a sign of reassurance.

"You're a good friend Potter."

"Thanks. So are you. You really are nice company."

"I'm sure I'm a sight to see when I'm fighting off my own blankets," Draco said with a snort.

"I got tangled up in my blankets once and swore when I woke up that I was entrapped by Devil's Snare again. I sleep with my wand under my pillow and I somehow cast Lumos Maxima in my sleep. The guys didn't let me live it down for weeks."

"I'm sorry, did you say ensnared again?"

"How much have you heard about the Philosopher's Stone?"

"I know that it was hidden here somewhere."

"How much time do you have for a story?"

"All night, I'm not sleeping again after that nightmare."

Sensing he wasn't going anywhere, Felix curled up at the bottom of Draco's bed, his head resting on his paws.

Harry then launched into the true tale of what happened their first year at Hogwarts, right under everybody's noses. It was nice to be able to share that, and he had to admit that he liked the captivated look Draco was giving him. He always paused to answer any of Draco's questions, and by the end of it they were both in a fit of giggles.

"You touched him- and he- and he- disintegrated?"

"I didn't mean to! Oh Merlin in fourth year he walked up to me and said 'I can touch you now' and I had no clue what he was going to do to me! Who says that to a 14 year old?"

"Do- do you think be-because he disintegrated-"

Draco couldn't even finish his question because he was laughing so hard. Harry didn't know when they had gotten so close, but now Draco's head was on his shoulder and it was quite comforting.

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