Chapter 11: The Quieter

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Warning: There will be blood

A.N: Sorry for the late update! Don't worry, I'm not dead. I was out of town and experiencing this thing called 'Grass'. Never want to do it again, a spider thought my hair would be a good idea to sneak into my hair.


(Y/n) woke up in her nightgown the moment she stepped into her bedroom. She had forced herself to bathe so the feeling of guilt and horror washed off. Looking back at it... It made it sound like she was defending Dio as a murderer. How funny. Haha, kind of funny. Only it's awkward, and the room was dead.

Literally dead.

It wasn't hard to fall asleep after the incident. She was exhausted from it all. The walking, the kicking, the punching, the screaming... To top it all off she had to keep herself from losing her sanity as they basically fought a vampire. She could have lost Dio if she didn't step in. (Y/n) felt like an idiot for not stepping in earlier.

That..mask..That stone mask...

Dio used someone as his experiment for the mask? Why? That curiosity led to someone getting killed! Two, actually! Sure, that man deserved a kick or two for harassment, but the stone mask? (Y/n) felt sick that Dio let it happen. He unknowingly volunteered someone's life for the sake of the mask...

What was the brand of alcohol Dio was drinking from? (Y/n) was going to need about three of them to help her digest the fact that she covered up for Dio.

But she loved him.

Love could make a person blind, (Y/n). She knew that. At the end of the day, who was going to believe her even if she tried to make sense? The authorities would laugh it off. Her parents would look at her in shock and send her to a mental asylum. Mr. Joestar would reconsider his blessing to her engagement. Jonathan would...

...Would Jonathan believe her?

Jonathan would believe her, would he? He wasn't the type to shut her down for her ideas, but he'd give his take to help ground or push her. Would he believe that she and Dio had an encounter with a vampire that nearly killed the both of them?

All from that stone mask?

(Y/n) thought back to that indigo haired Joestar. His dreamy eyes, adorable smile, kindhearted soul. They didn't get time for each other anymore, and she understood. It wasn't fair to think of him when Dio was her fiance. Especially when he made it known that he was not comfortable with her being so close to him. He didn't want to feel like second best to Jonathan, his brother. He wanted to feel like he was (Y/n)'s first choice, loved and wanted by the woman he was engaged to. (Y/n) loved Dio, wanting nothing more than to see him again to make sure he was okay. He shattered his collarbone and still caught her despite the pain so she wasn't hurt when she was yanked off of the vampire's back.

It was about 2 pm. (Y/n)'s parents were out running errands, having prepared her breakfast already despite how late she slept in. There were a lot of newspaper cuttings on the table but she didn't really think much of it. (Y/n) wondered if Dio was doing alright at the moment. He was probably asleep, recovering in his bed while he made Jonathan bring him stuff. That was a funny thing to picture- Dio making his brother do his bidding while he had a cast on. Perhaps if he had those thicker casts (Y/n) could use that to her advantage. She could get all the kisses she wanted and bother him, and he can't do anything to her back.

Well, that's until he healed. Then (Y/n) would be in trouble.

That thought did help her forget about the incident for the time being. She was going to finish up her breakfast and get ready to see Dio after this. Jonathan was probably already waiting by the door as she was getting ready.

Musician's Muse ( Various!JJBA x Fem! Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara