Chapter 6: The Sweeter

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 Jonathan watched as Dio walked by with some of his lackeys and sheets of wallpaper. He wasn't the nosy type, but when there's people in the home making some changes he has to know. The young man didn't really bother changing, finding his leisure clothes enough to pass as semi-formal enough. He wasn't butt naked waltzing around like an animal.

"What are you up to, Dio?" He asked, following him with curiosity.

Dio's arms uncrossed, putting himself in a headspace to calm himself. Why was his brother asking? It was obvious, wasn't it?

'Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up.'

"I accidentally tore up my wallpaper when hanging something..." Dio 'kindly' smiled, fooling Jojo, "Don't worry, it's not like the wall broke open. I just couldn't stand seeing that stupid tear... So I'm fixing it."

More like...Giving the orders while his goons did all the work but it was still the same thing. Can't lead without a leader.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Jonathan awkwardly trailed along his side, "May I help?"

Dio had to resist rolling his eyes, instead shaking his head.

"I don't need you," He put his hands on his hips as he tried to follow up with something quick so he didn't hurt his still forming friendship with Jojo, "For a task like this, you see? You seem so busy all the time I don't want to bother you with something so meaningless."

Jojo smiled back, giving a kind laugh, "It's our home, Dio. I'd be more than happy to help! You can ask me next time."

"I appreciate that, thank you, Jojo..." Dio watched as one of his goons stumbled out of his room.

Just great. He was watching idiots drop glue on themselves as they attempted to fix up a stupid wall.

"Apologies, Lord Dio. We were startled by a spider and tripped," One of them rubbed his head, "We'll clean this up soon. We just need to get the glue off of us..."

Now he couldn't hold back an eye roll. He gestured to them to follow to the guest bathroom so they could wash up. Jonathan remained by the door, peeking into Dio's very organized room. In comparison to his, Dio's looked like it hadn't been touched at all. That was until he saw the spill. With Dio gone for a brief second Jonathan took the chance to step inside.

He pondered if this was the right thing to do. It seemed like he was invading his privacy. The young man just wanted a closer examination about the fix. Usually it didn't require this much people to fix up some little hole. It could easily be covered and fixed.

Maybe Dio was just lazy and would rather someone else do it for him. Seemed like a Dio thing to do. Then again, Dio wasn't lazy. He just preferred not getting his hands dirty unless he needed to.

"Huh... What's this?"

Jonathan peeled the less than stellar attempt of fixing wallpaper. It was barely hanging off anyways. He could see some writing on the wall under it. Was it there before? He'd grown up in this home his entire life...Why was this here all of a sudden?

He peeled more, his childlike wonder growing more and more by the second of anticipation. What was under it?

"There's...words..." Jonathan squinted, peeling a little more so he could get a better view.

The wallpapers began to peel quicker than he expected, falling down one by one. He jumped to his feet, having done something he shouldn't. If Dio walked over and saw he'd be getting a scold. It wasn't entirely his fault!

The Joestar rushed outside of the room before he could get a peek of what was under the wallpaper. His clumsiness was going to have to be fixed when he got a chance. Right now he just needed to get out of the crime scene so it didn't look like he was to blame. Dio would have to think he got bored and went back to his studies.

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