Silver City Newsworld

Start from the beginning

I get out my phone to stream and people start throwing shots at the cops gawking at the car. The AEW pussies run for cover like the punks. A short [offensive language removed] wearing a tracksuit and jacket blows away two cops like it was nothing to him. He's behind a car and the cops are throwing shots at him ,it's fucking nuts.

My fucking phone got shot right out of my hand.

I'm no punk, but I'm not stupid. I duck down an alley and I see these two big fuckers in sleeveless shirts with masks on beating on this a blonde. She's a big bitch too but they're kicking her ass. Her face was covered with blood like a horror movie and her arm was all swole like the time my dumbass cousin fell off his four wheeler and busted it.

Tracksuit holds up his hands in a vagina sign and he runs off throwing shots behind him at the cops as they chase him. The two masked guys start to book and the big blonde bitch runs after them! What the fuck was she thinking? They were beating the [offensive language removed] off of her.

Where's the reporting on that?!


If you were there where's the footage?

Why would you mention the gunfire and not the creature? Because you weren't there. You heard the gunshots and saw the burned-up car and made up that you were there. I was there.

I work at Gray & Gray, not even a block away from the Elks. I got an alert on my phone about the bomb threats and came outside to look around. Behind the Elks I saw a bipedal figure covered with reddish brown fur. It had to be over 7 feet tall but it was super thin like it was starving to death, it was skin and bones like an old lady in a nursing home. It's head and face was that of a vulture.

There was a stench coming off it worse than any skunk and its arms were super long, they swung around like they were ropes, like it had more joints than it should. At the end were stark white claws that were at least three inches long. It made yipping noises like a coyote.

My grandpa used to tell me about the Mogollon, he claimed that it chased him on a Boy Scout trip. I thought he was just telling tales.

The one strange thing about it was that its feet didn't touch the ground. It was floating on like a cloud of brown smoke. I've never heard of anyone saying that about Mogollon. Crytopedia it says that's like a wendigo. Maybe they're the same thing?

That's why the blonde woman was all bloody. She was behind the Elks trying to wrestle with the monster and it slapped her down hard. I saw the two guys grab her after that, but they weren't wearing masks, their faces were just blurry like I was looking at them through a crappy old analog camera.


That wasn't Mogollon or a wendigo or a sasquatch or any other "monster". It was a man. I was there and I saw what happened.

I live at Ridge Road with my sister, I was walking behind the Elks on the way home from work. The blonde woman was there with a shit ass piece of shit car and she was arguing with the tracksuit guy. While they're going at it a guy in a Mexican wrestling mask comes out the back of the Elks Lodge.

The tracksuit guy whirls around with a gun in his hand and he fires three times. I saw the wrestler guy get hit. The guy in the Mexican wrestling mask wasn't wearing a shirt, I saw his flesh bounce like Jello where the bullet hit him.

It didn't hurt him even as much as a punch. The bullet didn't go in. Tracksuit runs down the side alley as brown smoke starts coming out all over the ground. I was on the hill that abuts the alley behind the Elks so I was up above and at least 20 yards away. The stench was unbearable. My eyes stung like it was tear gas.

For some reason the blonde wasn't affected by it and she ran forward at the guy. He was all stretched out like his skeleton was breaking apart or something. It was the freakiest thing I ever saw. His arm went out like he was plastic man and he whipped the blonde back into her car. I never seen anybody hit that hard.

I got out of there after that cuz the guy looked up at me and his eye sockets were weird and black. I don't know what happened after that but it wasn't a monster. It was a man that I saw.

I think he's a yogi. I watched a video and this Indian guy had studied for 50 years and he could stretch out like that.


That's Mortal Kombat you idiot.


Street Fighter actually, Dhalsim


It was astral projection.




Come on guys, Jesus is lord.


My 19 year old brother got shot there, did anyone see that?  

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