IV. The beginning

Start from the beginning

"When did this become about me" I mumbled to myself, but I still stared at JJ waiting for his answer I couldn't help but be interested.

He glanced between the two of us stopping at my eyes. "Nah, man. That's different."

What the hell does that mean.... It's different.

"Found it." John B said stopping in his tracks.

JJ knocked. "Housekeeping" He sang in a feminine voice, we gave it a moment but no one seemed to be home.

"I didn't want to do this but" JJ started before dramatically slamming his body into the wood door thinking I'll open which it did not.

"God." I sighed rubbing my forehead. "I have the key!" I grumbled. I pushed past him and twisted the metal Key into the door, making the door creak open.

John lit up the dark room with his flashlight causing dust to fly around us. "Check the bag to see if a name is on there" John B instructed JJ.

The whole room was shady, it smelled like old mildew and seemed to not have been touched in months everything either had dust on it or was old and stale. who ever lived here hasn't been here in a while.

"Got a jacket" JJ quipped.

"Denim Slides" he added, "And no name on the jacket"

"He's over 50. he's got new balances." John B muttered.

"Yo dude! come here" JJ called pointing at a map that lay on the motel desk. "Maybe that's where they were, fishing. See right there"

"Nah, that's off the continental shelf. It's a big swell nobody fished there" John B stated.

"Find anything?" John b called from the other room.
I looked around the dusty shelves in the bathroom opening the glass medicine cabinet "Really awesome Dog kit that you won't let me steal" I yelled, putting it back.

"Yeah because we're not stealing shit." John B replied.

"Buzz kill," JJ said from behind me, he reached in front of me grabbing the dog the kit I had just placed down sliding it into the back pocket of my jeans. He turned with a finger to his lips shushing me, If it was anybody else I'd say that was hot.

I simply chuckled and followed him out of the bathroom and to JB. He squatted down flashing his light into a cabinet revealing what looks to be safe. He tried to decode it typing 1111 like an idiot. "Did you honestly think that was gonna work" I questioned.

John b ignored me standing up and reaching for the map Corridennts "61666" he pushed in.

The safe beeped and the door came flying open I almost choked seeing what was in it. "Uh JJ?" John B called in disbelief. There were stacks and stacks of cash on top of each other with a black Glock set beside them.

I grabbed a wad of cash, and JJ came running over ignoring the Cash but going for the gun instead. "My lord, your the last person who should be holding a gun" I seethed.

"JJ put the gun down" John B shouted in a whisper."This is SIG Saucer" JJ said holding it up.

"Your SIGnifigantly Stupid" I commented.

"This is a fucking spending GATT Man! BAM! BAM! BAM!" JJ yelled walking around pretending to shoot Stuff."Put the Damn Gun down" I snapped, grabbing the tip of the gun and pushing it down.

"Just take a picture of me" He posed flashing the gun around.

"You want to make our own incriminating Evidence?" I quizzed. I sat on the bed tuning out his stupidity and ignoring the two boys bickering. My head snapped to the window when I heard a tap on the glass.

"Guys help me" I asked walking towards the window, they looked mildly confused but still helped me pull it up. Once we got it we looked down at Kie and pope standing there with rocks filled in their hands.

"Cops!" She whispered pointing to the staircase. We all looked at each other knowingly, JJ was first to go climb out before grabbing my hand and pulling me up, by the time we all got out Kiara and Pope had run back to start the Pogue.

There was barely any room for the two of us so JJ squeezed into me while holding my waist so I wouldn't fall. "County Police Sheriff's department!" A cop yelled from outside. Moments later I heard keys jingling in the door. I peered into the room seeing two cops searching it, I almost gasped when the cop stopped by the safe crouching down and pocketing a wad of cash.

"What the fuck-" JJ mumbled looking over my shoulder and if he couldn't be anymore dumb he shifted making the gun drop out of his waistband I stammered to catch it but missed by my finger tips and the gun hit the trash can making a huge noise.

I sighed dropping my head on his chest, waiting to get caught."Stop moving!" I mumbled, JJ look down. "I can't help it" he whispered back squirming beneath me. I scrunched my brows until I connected the dots. "Oh" My face reddened and I adjusted myself so that my body wasn't pressed against the front of his pants.

"Alright, there's nothing here. Let's go" The dirty Cop ordered the Rookie. I released a heavy breath hearing the door slam shut, I lied my head on JJ's chest relieved before John B signaled for us to get down. We hopped down from the canopy to a big trash can on the floor and ran as fast as we could back to the pogue. Kiara and Pope were scrabbling to get the anchor out of the water as we sprinted towards the boat as fast as our feet could go.

"Go! Go! Go!"


"Who's that?" John B wondered slinging his arm around my shoulder as we both sat down. When we got in town FBI were flooding the dock turns out they found a dead body.  "It's Scooter Grubbs" a blonde girl informed. "He was out during the storm. check out the pic I got" She said pushing her hot pink phone case in my face.

All of us leaned in to see the picture of the dead body. "holy shit" I mumbled looking up at JJ who was equally as stunned. We weren't that of a small town but small enough that having a dead body in our town was shocking.

"Gross" Kie added making a nasty face. "What kind of boat did he have?" I asked.

"Grady white. I think everyone's out looking for it" The girl shrugged slipping down from the table and walking away. I lifted my head off of John Bs shoulder. "Do you know what that means?" pope asks.

"Yeah, that we're fucked."


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