Chapter 15: Sacrifice of the Seven Seas

Start from the beginning

We arrived just in time to witness, a giant mermaid approaching us, as she came out of the morning mist. Due to her monstrous size, if I was like any other people, we'd all just scream and start running, but I sensed no intention to harm us in her.  Mugman and I turned red, upon locking eyes with her.

"What brings you here to the shores of my beach?" She asked, in a charming, and gentle, song like voice.

Cuphead, and Chalice, whom apparently were the only ones who could speak at this point; told that mysterious giant mermaid, that we came to help me get over my fears of water. I shyly waved back at her when her beautiful aquamarine eyes, looked my way.

"There is nothing to be afraid of in where I live, in fact, it's a swell place." She says, " I'll show you if you'd like lil' one."

Hopping on her back, we were brought underwater for a brief tour of the ocean floor, which was pretty indeed, despite being petrified as first, being a demon child that has never been so close as to coming into contact with large bodies of water, but the further we got the more comfortable we got, as introductions went quickly. Cala Maria even introduced her to her sea creature friends, whom we instantly befriended.

" They all look so happy, Cocoa!"  Mugman told me, "Ms. Cala must really take good care of all of 'em."

"Yeahhh," I swooned. "Bet they treat her like a bodacious queen..."

Maria noticed both our complements, and giggled in flattery.

" Oh, thank you," She answered, "I never knew earthlings such as yourselves could be so kind."

Ms. Chalice lifted her eyebrow in confusion.

"What makes you think that, Ms. Maria?"

She sighed, as she opened up about the gross and mean sailors, she was used to encounter.

"Y'mean like, Captain Brineybeard?" Cuphead asked, to which she nodded in disgust.

I could relate to her situation, and I think I made a good mistake of telling her so.

" I can relate, Maria. I was raised by horrible people myself," I told her, " you deserve better than him."

Hours went by with Maria being the happiest she's ever been, Mugsy and me, forgetting our fear of water, and Chalice and Cuphead, still not getting enough of the free ocean tour offered by our new mermaid friend. Again, what could possibly go wrong?

Suddenly Cala Maria, screamed, as out of nowhere, menacing looking eels, swam out of the dark.

"What are those things?" Mugman asked in fears.

"Those are electric eels, if one bites you... then..."

I could tell that these sea creatures, weren't friendly, so there was only one option.

"CALA, SWIM AS FAST AS YOU CAN!" I told, her which she inevitably obliged, thus beginning yet another chase, with eels, on our tail, literally.

"Gadzooks! They're gaining on us!" Ms. Chalice exclaimed.

"I'm trying, Ms. Chalice," Cala replied, "But by Neptune, I can't fend them forever!"

I decided to use my powers in order to help my friends escape.

"No... but maybe I can..." I said, as the pupils of my eyes turned green, as flaming magic playing cards appeared as, I hopped from Cala's back.

"Cocoa, C'mon!" Cuphead exclaimed. 

"Please, don't!" Cala exclaimed.

I looked back at them, for probably the last time, 'cause I knew I might die; but maybe I'll die a heroine for the sake of my friends.

"Get out while you still can," I told them, "I'll take care of them."

Cala Maria nodded, as tears formed in her eyes. Cuphead watched in horror, as I valiantly fricasseed those eels with my flaring royal flush. On a personal note, I was glad my dad taught me those card tricks that I used to my advantage. 

All they could see, however, were flashes of lime green, flickering below the ocean currents. This got to a point where too many eels were emerging and seeing as my magic wasn't enough to wallop them, I decided to swim back to the surface to get away. I swam as fast as I could go with the glowing mustard yellow eyes of the eels behind me, yet still I managed to get to the surface, and safety was a wave away.

"Cocoa! Thank goodness you made it," Cala said, "we were so scared."

I sensed that one of the eels was sneaking behind me and that I couldn't escape in time, but I still smiled through my tears.

" I love you guys, so much..." I sniffed before the eel sank its teeth into my arm, and I was surged with an electric shock, and with it, came  a horrifying scream that even heaven could hear it. The scene churned everyone's stomach, even Cala Maria had to cover Mugman's eyes but  it was too late, the damage was already done...

"COCOA!" Cuphead exclaimed, in horror, as he reached out, but he remained helpless as my friends were forced to watch, as the eel slithered away, while my feeble body hit the water with a splash.

I managed to open my eyes, only then to realize that I was sinking fast.

"C'mon, Cocoa, before you lose conscience..."  I thought to myself while I sunk, with the little strength I had left in me, I managed to mouth the incantation to summon one of my relatives, Leviathan to get me out of the situation.  I saw a dark green blur of a figure slithering in my direction but unfortunately, I succumbed to my fatal fate. All I could remember was hearing voices...

"The girl is badly hurt, what do we do?!"

"Get her to the hospital, now!"

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