Yeonjun took a deep breath and turned to Soobin, 'Go to my room and when I reach there, I want to see you knelt down with arms up, got it?'

Soobin just nodded and slowly left the car.

Yeonjun look back to Beomgyu and smiled softly seeing how cute he looks while sleeping. He got off the car and went to his side. He picked the boy carefully and locked the car with one hand. Then he made his ways to the home carrying the sleeping bear carefully...

Yeonjun took fifteen minutes to make Beomgyu settled up in his bed and then he came to his room. He opened the door with a deep breath and met the kneeling Soobin in the middle of the room, back facing the door. He is looking so tiny and cute in that position...

-God! Give me the strength, please!' Yeonjun said in his mind and slowly made his way the bed and sat in the edge of it just in front of the kneeling boy. Soobin looked up to his hyung and stayed silent to listen from him.

Yeonjun sighed, 'Well! Did you think what you did wrong in this meantime?'

Soobin sniffed and mumbled slowly, 'I know why I did it...I wasn't wrong hyung.'

Yeonjun massaged his temple in frustration, 'Soobin! What's gotten in to you? For god's sake! You attacked a boy without any proper explanation!'

Soobin: I know he was the one who locked Beomgyu and Jungkook. I wouldn't get that furious if it was not about my brothers...

Yeonjun: And how you could be so sure it's him, huh?' he was getting heated up every moment.

Soobin: I told you already, I saw him with Jun-ho and also-


Soobin flinched badly and looked at Yeonjun in fright.

Yeonjun: From when you became such like that? I can't believe you are being that immature...I didn't expect it from you!'

Soobin bitted his lower lip and looked down. He knows that he can't make anyone believe him as he don't have any proves in favor of his state. So, it's better to stay quiet and take whatever his hyung is going to give him...

Yeonjun: Now I have enough of it. Stand up!

Soobin wiped his tears and slowly stood up, still avoiding Yeonjun's gaze.

Yeonjun: Remove your shirt and sit on the ground...on four.' He orders and took a cane from his closet.

Soobin's heart sank, is hyung really going to beat me with cane? He thought, but didn't utter a sound. He just did what he is asked for.

Yeonjun gripped the cane firmly and stood behind the younger. He hates to do it, but they left no choices for him every time!

Yeonjun: I'm starting!

Soobin stayed quiet as usual. Yeonjun sighed_


And the first stroke hit Soobin's bare back, making him yelp in pain.

Soobin: ARGH! H-hyung!!

Yeonjun didn't stop, he continued stroking and not to mention that was really hard. Soobin kept crying and begging to stop the hits. After 15 strokes, Yeonjun stopped a bit to speak_

Yeonjun: Now tell me Choi Soobin, do you know what's your fault?

Soobin sobbed and nodded quickly.

Yeonjun hit him again, 'WORDS BOY!'

Soobin: UHH! Y-yes hyung...(sob).

Yeonjun: Good! Tell me then?

Soobin: I-I...uh! I-I fought w-with a b-boy without a-any proper e-excuse...


Yeonjun: And?

Soobin: AHH!! A-and I a-also b-behaved r-rudely with t-them...


Yeonjun: Nothing else?

Soobin: OUUCH HYUNG!! P-please s-stop...

Yeonjun: What else you did Soobin?

Soobin sobbed out, 'Ok! I didn't a-admitted m-my fault and a-argued...i-is i-it ok n-now?

Yeonjun hit him harder again, 'Drop the attitude boy!'

Soobin yelped in pain, 'S-sorry hyung! P-please...c-can we stop? I-it hurts!' he was now a full crying mess.

His face is covered with tears and it was all red and fluffy. His back was full of bruises. Yeonjun couldn't take the sight anymore, he threw the cane and crawled to his younger's level. He carefully hugged the boy, not wanting to hurt the boy more. Soobin also hugged him back in a glimpse. He threw himself in the embrace of the elder and cried harder...

Yeonjun kept caressing his back and hairs and let him cry for sometimes. After a while, when Soobin clam down a bit, Yeonjun made him look up to him by cupping his face.

Yeonjun: Hey Bud, look at me!

Soobin looked up with teary eyes.

Yeonjun: You know I love you, right?

Soobin nodded.

Yeonjun: I really hate to punish you guys...But, sometimes you two are too stubborn! Well, I know you are way much sensitive over your younger brothers. I can guess something made you feel like that Jack did wrong with your brothers that's why you got hyper. But, baby, that's not good thing. You shouldn't pick up fight. It's a bad thing to do, right? And you are older than your brothers...what will your youngers learn from you? They will think that they also can fight with anyone without a reason! You want it?'

Soobin sniffed, 'N-No hyung...I-I'm sorry. I didn't t-thought it t-that way...'

Yeonjun smiled and kissed his brother's forehead, 'That's my boy! Don't do it again, hmm? I know my Soobin-ie is a good boy, he will take care of his brothers in any way....But, fighting is not a way, ok bub?'

Soobin hugged Yeonjun tighter, 'o-ok h-hyung! I'm sorry again-

Yeonjun: No need. Now come, let me clean your back and apply medicine. Come-

After applying medicine, and freshening up themselves, they both cuddled and slept together. After some hours, Beomgyu also joined in the bed with them and that's how both elder Choi's ended up in this matter....

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