Chapter 47: Triple Trouble

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Here is the Big one! Sorry it took so long but it was hard to make it!


Exeller: Y-You insolent....little.....PEST!

Sanford: Looks like someone is mad

Christoff: Something isn't right

Deimos: What do you mean? We won right?

Christoff: No...I have a feeling that the battle is just getting started.

Tricky: So does that mean it's mime turn?

Soon Exeller started to change, the ends of his spikes were purple and slowly spreading throughout himself. His body was shifting in an exaggerated motion, he started to grow a few inches taller which concerned me.

I was going to stop him but an invisible barrier was placed around him, preventing me from intervening. I jump back and tried to think of a way to stop this but nothing came to mind, I tried shooting at it but the bullets would bounce off.

Soon enough his transformation was done, he was taller now and had purple crystals replace the ends of his quills. He then lets out one final roar which started to change the area around us.


3rd POV

The scene changes to show Sanford and Deimos in Lord X's version of Green Hill Zone. Infront of them was a fox humanoid in bad shape.

Sanford: What the hell?

Deimos: Where are we and what is that?

Sanford: I don't know but I can tell it is hostile


Sanford takes out his hook and Desert Eagle while Deimos takes aim with his MG42, they both did the right thing because this creature was hostile.

Deimos: Hey I recognise this thing

Sanford: You do?

Deimos: Yeah! It's Tails from the Sonic Game!

Sanford: Forget your fanboy nature and get your head set straight!


Sanford and Deimos immediately opened fire at Tails who wasn't effected at all once he was pierced. Black Tendtils emerged from Tails's back, he leaps at the two with his tendrils ready to kill but luckily Sanford and Deimos leaped out of the way.

They continue to blast Tails with their bullets despite it having no effect. They keep avoiding Tails's pounces and still used bullets against the soul puppet. They tried to take cover behind some trees but realised it was useless when Tails simply slashed them into pieces.

Deimos: Hey what do we do to kill him?!

Sanford: I don't know! But I'm sure we will think of something!

One of the tendrils scraped the arm of Deimos who responded by throwing a flash bang that blinded Tails for a moment. The two back up and hid behind some rocks and luckily Tails didn't know where they are.

He looks around and was trying to find them and while he did, Sanford and Deimos began to strategise. Once their planning was done, they decided to execute their masterful plan. Sanford comes out of hiding and shoots Tails in the face.

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