Chapter 42: Another Fine Addition

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Alice: That was a long time ago, I have moved on now because it was you who ended up with Hank

Kaity: Umm mother you haven't moved. You said the other day that you still want to end up with Hank

Alice: [Blushes] W-W-What?! Kaity why would you say that?!

GF: Don't worry Alice, I know you still do and I'm happy to tell you that I can share him with you. For example, I accepted Lila and Sarvente's feelings in the last 2 days

Alice: Y-You mean I can be with Hank?!

GF: Y-Yes. That was quick mood change from her

Alice: But are you sure about this? Are you actually fine?

GF: I'm absolutely sure Alice

Alice: [Deep Breath] I'll be in my room, can you bring Hank. I think I'm ready to tell Hank how I have been feeling for the past year.

GF: Okay I will, come Kaity

Kaity: Right!

Hank's POV

I was still playing against Michael in Super Smash Bros and Tricky was sitting on a chair, watching us. Khole was sitting next to me and was resting her head on my shoulder which I didn't mind. If this was me from back then she would be dead.

Currently I was beating Michael in our 5th round and secured the win easily. Of course Michael was upset he lost again since he just dropped his controller in despair.

Michael: How are you so good?!

Khole: Michael you might as well give up now since this is just really embarrassing for you

Michael: Give up? Hell no! [Notices Khole's position] why are you leaning against Hank like that?

Khole: [Lightly blushes] Mind your own business Michael!

Michael: [Surprised] Okay I'll stop ._.

GF: [Walks in] Hank I need you come with me for moment

Hank: Where?

GF: Upstairs


I hand Tricky my controller and was about to get up but I realised that Khole was still on my shoulder. She noticed and sits up straight while looking a bit disappointed. I got up and followed GF upstairs, wondering what she needs.

Michael: Hey what's up?

Kaity: Oh don't worry I'll explain everything to all of you

Me and GF reached the second floor and go inside Alice's room which confused me to why she wanted us to go in here. I got my answer when I saw that Alice was sitting on her bed.

Alice: Oh good you're here Hank

Hank: What's wrong? Did someone die?

GF: It's nothing bad Hank, we just want to talk to you

Hank: It's not my fault that I killed those gang members, they were practically asking for it

GF: Eh?

Alice: What do you mean?

Hank: Forget about it, what did you want to talk about? Have you found who killed Oliver?

Alice: I wish I did but that's not what I called you here. [Pats the bed] Come and sit here

I comply to her request and sat down next to her, Girlfriend walks over and sits on Alice's chair. I noticed that her hands were placed together and that she was nervous.

Hank: What's wrong?

Alice places her hand on my metal jaw and then on my eye bandage while looking worried.

Alice: I don't like seeing you in this state with all of these injuries

Hank: You really do act like a true mother. I know you hate it but it's something you, me and everyone has to deal with.

Alice: I know but I was so scared when I found about your condition after the corruption

Hank: Why are you still worried about that? It's been three months know

Alice: I don't like seeing you get hurt, I thought I lost you. I'm worried for when the day comes that someone will be able to take you out for good...a-and I don't want that

Hank: I used to die almost every time in major fights knowing that I would just come back. But now that I really have one life left, I promise I won't die.

Alice: I know Hank, but if it were to happen then I won't be able to take it. I lost my husband and Boyfriend...I don't want to lose you too....because I-I....I love you Hank

Hank:.....[Looks at GF] You planned this didn't you?

GF: [Nervously Laughs] M-Maybe

Hank: [Sighs] Well atleast I know now what's going on

Alice: So what's your answer?

Hank: I accept your feeli-

Suddenly Alice immediately pounced and pinned me to the bed while placing her lips on mine. I was surprised buy kissed back, this went on to be a make out session for a few mins.

We stopped because Alice needed some air so she sat up. I didn't because I was deprieved of air many times when Tricky tried drowning me on several occasions.

Alice: S-Sorry Hank, I got a bit excited there

Hank: It's okay, you're not the only one who got excited there

The two of us looked over to Girlfriend who was touching herself while sitting on Alice's chair. She was red faced and even sweating but stopped quickly when she noticed we were looking at her.

GF: S-Sorry I got carried away there

Alice: Oh don't worry Girlfriend, I can't wait until I have a threeome with you~

GF: [Blushes Madly] Threesome?!

Hank: What the hell is even that?

(I can't use clips for some reason YouTube won't work ._.)

Alice: Oh don't worry about that Hank. Let's just go and join the others

Hank: Yeah you're right, I need to kick Michael's ass again but this time I'll use Kirby just to piss him off.


Hey it's Blue, sorry that this chapter is small. It was going to be longer but I just pulled a muscle in my leg today in a football match so I'm in so much pain and Adam is revising for exams.

I promised a Chapter would come on the weekend and I intended to keep it, didn't want to leave you like that.

So hopefully the next Chapter will be longer. I'll see you soon then.

I'm Hank J. Wimbleton?! (A Hank Reader x MC X FNF)Where stories live. Discover now