Chapter 32: Hank is Back!

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Rosie: K-Kill him!

Rosie told her guards to kill me but her mistake was have them use melee weapons....and who is the guy with the gun?

I took out my handcannon and shot them down dead with no remorse, as their bodies fell I couldn't help but laugh like the maniac I once was. Tactie and Rosie were clearly afraid and even Blair showed some fear from my marvelous display.

Tactie: U-Umm is Hank meant to be like that? I thought he was a hero?

Blair: Well he used to be like that all the time. But he hid that side of him for 3 whole months after the corruption.

Tactie: I can see why...he is more terrifying than heroic!

Rosie: H-He just killed them that? He didn't even give them a chance...

Hank: They don't deserve one, who challenges someone with a gun while carrying a weapon used for close combat? They deserved to die!

Rosie: T-This is bad!

She took out her gun and opened fire at me. She shot out 5 bullets so I shot them away with 5 of my bullets, this left her and Tactie in shock.

Tactie: I-I knew he was extremely skilled from the stories I have heard about him. But I didn't think he was fast enough to shoot down bullets!

Blair: Well done Hank! I wonder if you're just as fast like that in bed?~

Hank: Control yourself Blair or I will leave you here!

I walked towards Rosie who opened fire again, I deflect every shot with my metal hand until she ran out of bullets. When I was infront of her she dropped her gun while I looked down at her. She was intimated by my look but I don't blame her.

After all she was looking at a terrifying being that had red glowing eyes and an insane smile.

Hank: Do you want to be next?

Rosie: N-No...

Hank: Good Girl

I knocked her out and watched her fall to the ground unconscious before going towards the other two. I put away my handcannon but grab my sword and lift it in the air. They looked away with closed eyes but saw that they were fine when I had just cut the ropes binding them to the chairs.

Tactie: Y-You're not going to kill us?

Hank: No why would I do that?

Tactie: Y-You looked insane back there!

Hank: Yes but I wouldn't kill you two...well maybe not Blair. Besides I put the madness side of me away just now so don't expect me to be menacing as hell.

Tactie: Oh that's good

Hank: Hey Blair! Get your ass up right now and go to Nikusa

Blair: Only if you grab it~

Hank: There is seriously something wrong with you

Tactie: Yeah you're right. [Eyes widen] I-I just realised that I haven't introduced myself yet! I'm Tactie, a professional marksman and sadly a friend of Blair's.

Hank: Well good luck with her because she is a lost case [Walks Away]

Blair: Wait Hank aren't you coming as well?

Hank: Yeah no, I don't have time for that because I have things to do. Tell Nikusa there was no problem with the task.

I left the two and went back to Funkin City, yes that is the name of the city we have been living in since I came to this world. I arrived at the base and saw that the van was there, I opened the door inside our warehouse base and saw that Sanford, Deimos and Girlfriend were here.

I'm Hank J. Wimbleton?! (A Hank Reader x MC X FNF)Where stories live. Discover now