Prologue: World at War.

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(Kassandra P.O.V)

Every hero has an origin story. And it always starts with tragedy. 

Spiderman began his fighting when he was bitten by a Radioactive Spider. He became the Spiderman following the death of his Uncle Ben who was killed by muggers. 

Batman took up crime fighting after his parents were murdered by the criminal Joe Chill on the street. 

Luke Skywalker became a jedi after losing his mentor, Obi Wan Kenobi, as well as his aunt and uncle. 

Ethan formed the Circle of Khanna following the death of his friend and Brother, Rowan Khanna.  

A person loses someone they care about, and they began their lives as heroes and now... they save everyone else. I think it's because they constantly live with the guilt and deep down wish they could've saved those people who they lost in the first place. I was reading one of these comics in the Anglo Saxon Village Ruins that was by my house in England. I lived with my Mater, and my brothers Ethan and Jacob. Jacob lived with his flame Lizzie Maxson in Hogsmeade. And Ethan lived in his own house with his wife, Penny, and his son, Sean. Ethan was a hero to my eyes. He took me from the streets of Greece and saved me from my execution. He introduced me to his home. I was shown Star Wars, Superheroes, and I attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Gryffindor House. I wanted to be a hero just like my big brother.

But like I said before... Every Hero has an Origin Story. And it always starts with tragedy. 

A person loses someone they care about before they become heroes. I didn't feel like a hero. But I did lose someone I cared about. His name was Cedric Diggory. And he was a good man. A good friend. In many ways... he was a like a Big Brother. I saw him murdered in Cold Blood by a monster. Fletcher Snyde, under orders from his master. One of the most infamous Wizards of our time. Lord Voldemort. I saw him die right in front of me. All so they could get to my good friend. Harry Potter. He had an encounter with Voldemort when he was 1. And Voldemort tried to kill him. But something miraculous happened. Harry lived. He lived on to become the Boy That Lived. He attended Hogwarts in the same year I did. And we became fast friends. We had other friends too. Ron Weasley. He was a family friend, so it only made sense that we would become friends. Hermione Granger. Bit of a know it all, but still my best friend. And Ryan Tyler. A boy who's older sister was nasty to everyone. But Ryan was nice to everyone. They were my friends, and we all vowed to watch each other's backs through thick and thin. 

Following Cedric's death, a lot happened that I could barely keep track of. You would think that after the death of Cedric, the Ministry of Magic, Our Wizarding Government would be unified against the threat of Voldemort, and his followers, the Death Eaters. But the opposite happened. 

The Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge had argued that Voldemort was not back and turned against the only Wizard Leader willing to do anything about it. Albus Dumbledore. The Headmaster of Hogwarts. Because of this, Dumbledore had decided to reform the Order of the Phoenix. Which was an organization that had been formed to fight the Death Eaters when Voldemort first rose to power. With the Ministry not going to help us, it was the only thing we could do. My family all joined. 

As for me, I would go back to Hogwarts. I was too young to join. But at least the thing that Ethan and Jacob could still help with was train me to fight. I would fight harder than ever before. 

So I trained. In fighting, in running, in spells, in sword play. All through the summer. It seemed like an eternity when I had a quiet day to myself. Which was why I went to the Anglo Saxon Ruins. It was now in the hands of Magical Creatures. I loved Magical Creatures, Nifflers, Porlocks, Bowtruckles, Fairies. I loved it so much, it was my passion.

Back in the Afternoon. I returned home where Mater was trying to keep her cool. And by that, I mean... it was very hot outside. As in... Apollo himself was riding a chariot right outside. This might've just been the hottest day all summer. 

"Hey, Kassie?" Mater asked. "Do you think we could go to Greece? Because I think it could be much cooler their than here." 

"Mater... I've been banished from Greece." I reminded. 

"Oh, what a bunch of bastards who can hold a grudge." Mater complained as she pulled up a few Ice Spells to keep herself cool. "Need an Ice Spell?" She held up her wand.

"I'm okay." I answered. I was used to weather like this... from Greece. It's why I wore a simple Greek Style dress. Nothing formal. Just a casual Greek summer dress. I also had sandals and my hair in a Tight Ponytail which released the heat on my neck. "I wonder how my friends are doing." I said.

"Well... I hope their keeping their cool." Mater replied. 

I only got a few letters from Harry, that didn't come as a big surprise. He lived with the Dursleys. Wizard Hating Muggles. I got plenty of letters from Ron, Ryan, and Hermione though. Ron told me that his family was moving for the summer to the Order of the Phoenix's hideout. They Which was actually the home that was owned by Sirius Black. Sirius was the Godfather of Harry. Before... he had done 12 years in Azkaban, the Wizarding Prison for a crime he didn't commit. But now, he was free. Ethan told me that he loaned out his parents old home to give to the Order to operate.  

Mater and I still remained at home where I trained. Ethan and Jacob would come by and train me. But today, it was just Mater and myself. I hoped that Harry was okay... wherever he was. Hope he was keeping his cool.

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