Namjoon sighed deeply and looked up to Jack's father, 'Mr. Ton....actually I don't know what to say-

His words cut off by a pitched voice, which is very much serious right now_

-May I come in, professor?' It's Yeonjun. He peeked inside the room and the trio shivered seeing his cold stoned face!

Namjoon sat straight, 'Yes Mr. Choi. Please...'

Yeonjun entered and the first thing he does, was placing his red angry eyes upon Soobin. Soobin visually trembled on his gaze and quickly looked down. Yeonjun then turned to the boy on another side who was attacked. He sighed seeing his condition and again turned his deadly gaze to Soobin.

Yeonjun: You did that condition to him?' he asked in a hissing tone.

Soobin kept quiet looking on the ground.

Yeonjun harshly grabbed his chin and made him look up, 'I asked YOU, Choi Soobin! You did that?'

Soobin's eyes teared up because of the pain, he choked up and replied in a low tone, 'Y-yes!'

Yeonjun let him go harshly and turned to the desk where Namjoon and another guardian were sitting.

Yeonjun: I'm so sorry on behalf of my brother, sir. I don't know why he attacked your son, but I promise that he will behave from now on. I would love to pay for his treatment if you want...I'm really ashamed of his deed.'

-HYUNG! You shouldn't say sorry! You don't know why I did that!' suddenly Soobin screamed out making everyone gasp!

Yeonjun shot him a blood eye, 'SHUT UP SOOBIN!! You did wrong and now also being a disrespectful brat! Is this how I raised you? Apologize to him.' He ordered.

Soobin shook his head as a no.

Yeonjun took a step to him dangerously, 'I said APOLOGIZE!'

Soobin: No...I didn't do anything wrong!


The room echoed with the sound and Soobin somehow managed to stay standing after having the sharp slap from his brother. Jungkook held Beomgyu from a side, cause he was already so much scared seeing his elders drama! Jungkook tried to sooth him by rubbing his back softly, while he himself was so shocked seeing Soobin's behavior!

Yeonjun: Soobin, you are saying sorry to him or not?' he said in deadly calm tone.

Soobin looked down, 'I-I...I'm S-sorry.' He said almost in a broken-inaudible tone.

Yeonjun: LOUDER!!

Soobin flinched, 'I-I'm sorry.' He said a bit louder this time.

Tears were dropping down through his cheeks, which are definitely made Yeonjun's heart clench a bit. But, Yeonjun neglected it and turned to the elders.

Yeonjun: I'm sorry once again.

Jack's father stood up, 'It's ok Mr. Choi. Just make sure he won't do it again! And Mr. Kim, may I take jack home today?'

Namjoon nodded, 'Sure!'

Jack and his father left and now there is only the brother's in the room! Jungkook gulped sensing the cold aura around him in this room. Maybe it's not for him, but it's suffocating....

Yeonjun plopped on the chair in front of Namjoon and Joon hand him over a glass of water.

Namjoon: Here! Drink it and calm down, Yeon-ie!

Yeonjun sighed frustratingly, 'after all of these, you are telling me to calm down? You saw what-

Namjoon: Ok! Stop. I know, ok? But, let's hear Soobin's story, too?

Yeonjun frowned, 'What his story? Didn't he say already-'

Namjoon: He didn't say any words after the fight. I don't know why...But, he remained silent all the time! Soobin-ie? Will you now at last tell us why you did that?' he said softly to Soobin.

Soobin just sniffed looking at ground.

Yeonjun: Soobin, he is asking something right? Speak up?

Soobin slowly looked up with teary eyes, 'Will you believe me if I say the truth?'

Yeonjun stood up, 'Why I won't?'

Soobin: Cause I don't have any prove.

Namjoon: Tell us in detail, baby.' He said softly and made him sit on a chair, 'I know you did it for any purpose...tell us that. We will try to understand you, ok?'

Soobin nodded slightly and took the water offered by Namjoon.

Soobin gulped a little water and started_

"Namjoon hyung, you know Jungkook and Beomgyu were stuck in the washroom a few hours ago, right?"

Namjoon nodded and Yeonjun looked bewildered, 'What! When did that-

Namjoon: I will tell you later about it. First let us hear Soobin, hmm? Tell Soobin.

Soobin: before stucking in the washroom, they came to me and said that their exam papers were somehow falsely presented or something like that. I didn't pay enough attention as I knew it was rather a misunderstanding or anything and Namjoon hyung will take care of it. After they left I was going towards my class when I spotted Jun-ho and Jack, I mean that boy in a corner. They were talking like it's really serious. I shrugged it off and was going away from there when I heard, Jun-ho saying Jack to make sure the door is really lock! I didn't thought much about it.

But, I saw Jack coming from the way where Jungkook and Beomgyu were locked after sometimes. I didn't know that they were already locked. I was searching for them. I'm hundred percent sure it's their plan. So, I couldn't control myself and when I saw Jack in the locker room, I attacked him."

Namjoon and Yeonjun sighed hearing Soobin, meanwhile Jungkook and Beomgyu was beyond shocked! Soobin did all of these for them?!

Yeonjun stood up, 'Well! You did that because you 'Thought' they planned to trouble kook-ie and Beomgyu-ah?'

Soobin nodded looking down, 'Yes...But I'm sure of it, hyung! I know-

Yeonjun shook his head cutting Soobin's words, 'That's very unimpressive, Soobin! You can't just charge anyone because of your imaginary suspicion!'

Soobin looked up to his brother, but said nothing. He knows that. He don't have any proves that Jun-ho really did that with the help of Jack. But, Soobin, Jungkook and Beomgyu-all of them know that it's actually the truth. But, if they want to make the elders believe, then they need to say all the things about Jun-ho...But, that's not possible as Jungkook don't wanna tell them yet.

Yeonjun: And who is that Jun-ho by the way? That you suspected Jack only seeing to talk with him?

Beomgyu: He is koo-

-He is the bad boy of university. He always bothers others.' Soobin hurriedly spoke out to prevent Beomgyu's confession. Jungkook let out a breath, phew! That was close!

Yeonjun nodded, 'Ok! But, that also don't prove anything. Soobin, you did wrong today, didn't you?' he said coldly.

Soobin looked down and mumbled, 'I don't think so....'

And all of them went silent after hearing Soobin....

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