"Go to her Marc. Let her see that she is safe and that she is free to spend her time as she pleases"

"I told her that she is safe with me but she doesn't believe me"

"Show her Marc. Telling isn't the same thing as showing!"

"How? What am I supposed to do?"

"Spend time with her. Let your armer fall and show her who you are" her voice softens and she gives me an encouraging smile.

Something inside me seems to stir and I can't make it go away so I follow my gut and take Joanna's advice. I walk out the door and towards my car.

As I drive home I can't seem to settle on a plan. How am I supposed to make her believe me? Believe that she is safe?

I park the car in the driveway and look around hoping for an idea to appear. And that's when my eyes land on the forest. The only time she has actually seemed comfortable around me was when we where in the woods together. She didn't know that it was me, but still, she was comfortable. She also chose my wolf form when she had to be carried out of the woods. I feel my inner wolf taking a liking to her. Actually my feelings about her was clear when I saw her through the eyes of my wolf the first time. Everything about her just seems simper when I'm in wolf form.

I remember clearly how I was running in the woods to let out some steam and I suddenly smelled her scent. And not only her scent but the scent of another wolf. I ran as fast as I could and the sight of the wolf sneaking up on her only made my legs go faster than they ever had before. Pure instinct took over and I tumbled down the other wolf and towered him, forcing him to submit, making sure he knew that she was mine. That he would be going through pure hell if he hurt her. I knew who he was, and I paid him a visit afterwards telling him to spread the word about her being my guest and that he shouldn't tell her it was me who saved her.

I step out of the car and walk inside where Hannah is sitting on the couch with my duvet around her watching Twilight. I hate that movie. The girl clearly chose wrong. Who would choose a dead guy over a wolf?

She hasn't noticed that I walked in, completely consumed by the movie I stand there for a moment just taking in the sight of her in her nightwear with my duvet completely relaxed and comfortable.

"Hey" I say breaking the silence. I notice how she tenses up a bit as she turns her head and look at me shortly before lowering her head.


"Got room for one more?" I say as I walk towards the couch. I sit down at the other corner of the large tree module couch.

"So what has happened so far?" I ask even though I have already seen it once with Nelly when we where younger.

"Uhm.. The.. The girl moved in with her dad and started at a new school. She met a boy who saved her life and now she found out that he and his family are vampires. They just went out for some game but other vampires found them and apparently they don't get along" she says and looks back at the TV.

We sit for the remaining time of the movie in silence. She occasionally look my way as if she wants to say so but doesn't have the guts to do it. She bites down on her lower lip and i feel the tension in my body building. Does she know what it is doing to me? Does she know how badly it makes me want her lips? I honestly don't think she does.

She pulls the duvet up as they kill off one of the vampires in the movie and her heart beats a little faster. She doesn't say anything but after a short while her cheeks turn pink and she peaks over at me so I pretend that I didn't see it. I can't help but smile internally at the fact that she got embarrassed about getting scared.

As the credits starts to roll she sits up straight and look at the TV like it just tricked her.

"What happened? What about the woman? Did she hurt Bella?"

"There are several movies in the series you know"

She peaks over at me and answer "really?"

"How about i order some pizza and we watch the next one"

Her eyes are glistening and a smile breaks out on her face. She nods eagerly and makes herself comfortable.

I pull out my phone and order pizza before I find the next movie.

Several hours, two pizzas, a lot of snacks and two movies later we find ourselves in the exact same spot. The only difference is that Hannah is surrounded by the packaging of all the snacks she has eaten. For a petite woman she sure can eat a lot. I absolutely love it!

"I could use some air. How about you?" I say stretching.

"Yes. I would love to" she says but her smile falls a bit as she looks down to her feet.

"Right.. Well I can carry you on my back? We can take a walk in the woods?"

She looks at me and the thoughts are clearly running fast through her head.

"Only if you want to" I give her a smile hoping she will say yes.

"Okay. I could use some fresh air"

The Unwanted Mate: The BondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora