Chapter 38-Martha

Start from the beginning

I tried again, this time getting some friction where I didn't realize I had been missing. My breathing became heavier as the intense ache in my core grew. It had been so long, I felt my climax  just around the corner. Suddenly, my phone buzzing ripped me from my thoughts letting me know a text message had come through. I was going to ignore it but then the doorbell rang. I groaned in disappointment, "Who the fuck is that?!"

I quickly removed my hand and pressed the button to turn it off. But it didn't turn off, it went to another setting.

Oh Fuck!

The doorbell rang again.

I pressed again and a new setting happened. How many different settings does this bitch have?!

To answer that question 7, it took 7 clicks before it finally turned off and I threw my new found toy back into the bag and in a safe hiding spot.

My phone buzzed again, part of me thought it was Jonathan but it wasn't.

Ryan- Hey, open the door.

I scrunched up my nose confused until I heard a light knock on the front door. Standing up, I made my way over to the door and opened it slightly, sure enough there was Ryan with a bashful smile. I hadn't seen him since that night at the club. No matter how amazing the flowers were, I was still hurt.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I said, still a little out of breath from earlier activities. He all but shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes and closed the door.

"Come on Martha. Please let me in." A heavy sigh left my mouth as I leaned against the door. I was only standing there for about 10 seconds before he spoke again, "I brought Chinese food." Pressing my lips together, I felt my resilience crumbling. It had been hours since I last ate but I didn't want to give in so easily. After a few moments of hearing him shuffle around, I decided to open it. Those royal blue eyes met mine in an instant as they held relief and remorse all at the same time. "Hey." His tone was soft and comforting. Definitely nothing like the one that insulted me on my taste in men last week. Not wanting to look him in the eye, I let my head droop. The flooring of the entry way seemed more interesting. "Martha?"

"What do you want Ryan?" My voice stern. I had no idea what I did wrong to make him act so cold towards me.

Ryan's foot coming through the door made my head pop back up to him. His heavy steps came inside as I strode backwards into my house. There was a look of frustration on his face as he looked down at me closing the door behind him. I furrowed my brows confused by what he was doing. Soon his face went back to remorse, "Martha, I'm sorry."

"For what?" I immediately walked away and went straight for the kitchen. I could hear how sorry he was but I wanted to push because I wanted a real apology.

Behind me, he lightly huffed in annoyance that I was making him say it. "For making that comment back at the club. I didn't...I didn't mean it."

I reached the kitchen when I turned and snapped at him immediately, "Yes you did. And why wouldn't you? When basically the only guy I've been with, that you kept warning me about, ended up being a lying cheat."

"That's besides the point, I shouldn't have said what I said. I wasn't in a good...head space." He tilted his head to the side and stared and I mean stared hard. The puppy dog eyes were in full display and begging for forgiveness.

My teeth came out to bite my bottom lip as I stifled a grin, "Stop it."

"Stop what?" He said innocently, knowing damn well what he was doing.

"That!" I yelled pointing at his face.

He widened his eyes as he smiled and shrugged, acting completely oblivious, "What?!"

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