"Wendy." She handed me a bar of soap. "Please, wash everywhere. Even if you don't think you need to." She at least looked away as I scrubbed every inch of skin with the soap, and helped me into a towel when I got out. She didn't talk much as she rubbed rose scented oil into my skin, and combed it through my hair before rubbing it dry with a number of towels. The dressing gown I was given was so flimsy it was almost unworthy of the name. I could see my skin through it as she dressed my hair in front of a vanity. "Your hair is a lovely color, Miss. You'll be quite fetching in the gown Mr. Perry arranged for you to have tonight."

"Wonderful." I could barely watch as she expertly twisted and teased my hair into the latest swept up style. Then it was into the dress, a tight cut red silk that clung to every curve. When I mentioned that I needed to put on my drawers, Wendy shook her head. They wouldn't be needed tonight she said, and them my corset was pulled tight. It was a marvel that the dress got buttoned at all, and Wendy had me sit again as she placed several curled ostrich plumes in my hair. She practically attacked me with creams and powders, rouges and mascara, and by the time she was finished I could barely recognize myself.

When she clasped the golden peacock around my throat it felt like an iron collar being locked around me.

The gold bracelets with their red stones may as well have been shackles.

"Mr. Perry wants me to stay until he comes up." Wendy said, sitting on the bed. "In case you try to do anything."

I sighed, closing my eyes. "I'm not."

"It shouldn't be too long."

"Then perhaps it will be over with quickly." I looked at her through the mirror. "Should I just lift my skirts as soon as they come in then?"

"Mr. Perry wouldn't like that, he'll want you to charm his guest, drink and laugh with him." Wendy crossed her legs, swinging them back and forth. "Make them feel smart, like he's the greatest man you've ever met. At least them they're usually not too harsh when you have to bed them."

"You're just full of advice."

"I've had a lot of practice, Miss." She looked to the door, footsteps stopping. "I'm headed down, you should greet them." She disappeared back down the servant's stairway, leaving me alone. I drew myself up, I could do this. I just had to get through this, and then I could go home.

The door opened silently, and I could hear Mr. Perry. "And just you wait, Henry, I've got you the best gift you're going to get this year."

"So long as she's pretty." The chuckle that Mr. Reichster gave sent shivers down my spine.

"Beautiful, and new. Come on out, my dear."

My hands were shaking, I couldn't stop them. I clasped them together, stepping out of the bathroom. "Hello, Henry."

He looked as if he'd been struck in the face. "Anastasia?"

Mr. Perry raised his eyebrows as he looked to me. I smiled, stepping forward to Henry. "Yes, I wanted to make sure you have the happiest of birthdays." I steeled myself to kiss him, to flick my tongue against his lips. "Mr. Perry was kind enough to assist me with it."

"Evan, my God." Henry quickly crushed me to him, his arms tight around my waist as he swept his tongue into my mouth. I tried to sigh into it, to press myself against every inch of him. My head was swimming by the time he pulled away, looking to the other man. "This is quite the gift."

"She's your's for as long as you want." He stepped back from the door, clearing the way to allow a number of staff to come in and begin to set the table. Plate after plate of food was brought, ice buckets with bottles of champagne, and fine linens to spread over the table. Mr. Perry sat, "Anastasia, wouldn't you like to serve us?"

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ