43 - Let's Get This Bread

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"Everyone ready?" Ten said into their earpieces. Confirmations followed. "Remember, this is the first time that the leader is attending a public event. Take a good look so we can use that data for later."

It was 11.55am, just five minutes before the Utopia Party would reveal their huge announcement that would shock the whole of Korea. NCT knew this was going to end badly, so they had to interfere at all costs. Chenle had borrowed EXO's van and parked a block away, but it had no cameras that could be accessed, so he just followed what everyone else was saying. He was their backup in case everything and anything went wrong.

Finally, at midday on the dot, a figure rose to the stage, smoke masking who the person was behind it, and cameras flashed to finally get a glimpse of their country's ruler. It was obviously a man, judging from the silhouette.

Two minutes later, the smoke dissipated and revealed a man all too familiar to them: Park Jinyoung, or as he was called abroad, JYP.

The man was notorious for fraud and embezzlement and yet he never got caught. Moving from country to country, he applied the same tactics and scammed thousands of people out of millions. He used multiple criminal gangs like Twice and Stray Kids to do his dirty work, stealing cash, burning houses down and even killing people. Most famously to the whole of NCT, the man who stole Sooman's company.

"I should have known it was him!" Ten gritted his teeth in anger. "I'm going up there!"

"Ten, wait!" Chenle's voice could be heard, but Ten had already ripped his earpiece out and ran to the stage. Perhaps his irrationality also helped him to fail the previous leader tests.

The others could exactly stop him. They had to remain as inconspicuous as possible, and tackling a man to the ground was not a part of that.

"My fellow citizens," JYP started, "I apologise for not making appearances before today for I was bedridden for months. But today, I stand before you to announce a new nutritional pill that will cure our food shortages and rates of petty theft to none!"

"As if." Yangyang scoffed.

"This nutritional pill can allow humans to gain their right daily intake of vitamins and minerals all without eating." The crowd gasped. "And it only needs to be taken once in a human's lifetime for it to reach its maximum benefit. And because I am your generous leader, this pill is available on our free healthcare system for no extra charges for anyone that takes it. Speak to your local GP or hospital and they will be able to set it up for you." He smiled as he paused. "Of course, there have been a few rumours to our rival countries who have been trying to steal it for their own gain, but we have managed to distract them from our true product."

"You mean to tell me that what we've been looking for and destroying is a fake?" Sungchan hissed into the microphone.

"And now, to show you how it has worked, please welcome our successful test subject, Park Jisung!" JYP gestured off stage and NCT's maknae walked onto it with a stoic face.

"Shit! I wasn't expecting him to be here as well!" Jeno cursed. "And Ten's still not answering our calls."

"I'm going in then; we have no choice," Chenle said. "I'll still be able to contact you, and I'm bringing some extra pistols and ammo."

"Jisung here," JYP continued, "has been receiving various trials for our product to work and look at him! Glowing complexion and the perfect height: weight ratio."

"Like hell your drugs are doing that!" Ten screamed as he managed to jump onto the stage. The security guards at the event had been lax since they thought the threat of NCT was eliminated. "You've drugged him up to be your perfect soldier that follows your commands without hesitation!"

"NCT, I presume." He muttered before raising his voice. "Our enemies that try to hinder our progress for utopia, everyone."

"Stop your theatrics and admit that you've administered so many different drugs to him that he's probably lost all of his personality by now." Ten's voice rose higher and higher in anger as he aimed his gun at the country's leader. "And admit that this same drug you're planning on releasing has the same effect!"

All eyes glared at JYP, waiting for an answer. He strained a smile as if all of these allegations were false.

"And you killed off half of my group, who were trying to protect the public from receiving such treatments and weren't following your propaganda." He carried on. "I should just put a bullet to your head and everyone else's who even helped you think of such a heinous plan."

"Oh, but you're wrong about one thing." JYP finally spoke. "These drugs actually have no effect on the population; they were to lure you back out of hiding. In fact, the drugs that were intended for my ulterior motive were administered a few weeks prior."

Jisung stepped closer to JYP with a remote with only one button. A red button, like the ones that villains held, one that never meant anything good if it were to be pressed.

"My control is already implanted in everyone. And this button is my reinforcer, the thing that will allow me to control the whole of Korea!" He maniacally laughed as he pressed it.

"No!" The NCT members yelled.

Within seconds, the crowd that was seconds from revolting stilled and remained motionless. The guards were allowed their autonomy and grabbed the ones who were still moving, aiming guns at their heads.

Ten was grabbed by another security guard as he thrashed around, trying to grab his gun and shoot the corrupt leader, but it was no use. He was pushed to the ground as he was forced to kneel. The other NCT members were soon pushed to do the same next to him as handcuffs restricted their wrist movements.

"Jisung, shoot them."


This is the penultimate chapter! You can choose the ending you want to read, or you can read all three (please tell me which one you liked though!)

Road to Utopia - NCTحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن