19 - We Failed Huh

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"We're slacking." Taeyong started the meeting off with. It was only two days after we moved and NCT had already been back to business. Or at least the leaders had.

All of us looked at him in confusion and it was only right that I did too. "I think everyone's been too preoccupied moving here that we completely forgot that no one stopped the drug supply from the party."

"We got a sample at least!" Haechan protested as he stood up.

"And have the alchemists actually analysed any of it?" Kun asked, turning to glare at Lucas and Jungwoo in particular.


"I gave you the task to analyse it and report back to me on Monday and it's been a week since then!"

"I DID IT!" Shotaro's translator app yelled at us. All of us turned to face him, to which he blushed profusely. He began speaking softly in Japanese to his phone before turning it to us.

"But why can't Yuta just translate-"

"Shut up Hendery." Yangyang hissed.


"And congratulations guys, it got released today." Our leader clicked his remote to show us several news articles claiming these new pills were more effective vitamins that would eventually stop famine and malnourishment. If I didn't know any better, it would sound ideal and a huge step for utopia.

However, I knew it sounded way too good to be true. NCT showed me they were not some radical group trying to overthrow the government (to an extent) but a group trying to stop world domination of the Utopian Party. Slowly, the government would feed us drugs disguised as nourishment supplements to make us pliant and subservient to their commands until we would be mindless drones willing to obey their every need. I'm still not sure what they want out of it, but I - no, we - are determined to stop them.

"You're kidding, right?"

"So Renjun got shot for nothing?"

"Hey! It was a learning curve, and we will grow from it. If it weren't him, it could have been anyone. It just shows the hackers need to step up their game." Mark answered.

"Jeez, way to invalidate my pain." Renjun muttered. I hesitantly patted his shoulder in sympathy, and he gave me a small smile.

"So, how are we going to stop its spread?" Johnny asked after a moment of silence, his brows furrowing while wracking his brains for a solution.

"Good question," Kun took the remote off Taeyong and clicked to the next slide of the slideshow, showing multiple warehouses and mapped locations, "I've received intel from our associates that most of it is still in the warehouse."

"So, you want me, Mark and Jaehyun to stop the spread of it, right?" Haechan sighed loudly and turned to Yuta. "You just had to injure yourself on the last run, didn't you?"

"It wasn't my fault the stairs had one too many steps!"


"Anyway," Kun cleared his throat, "that's exactly what I want you to do. And you can choose any two people to join you, Taeil will drive, and you can choose two others to be your communications in base."

"Then I choose-"

"Except," Taeyong interrupted, "There are a few exempt members since we have other business. Doyoung is obviously exempt due to his day job, I'm not having miscommunications during this mission, so Shotaro is also out. Obviously, Renjun is currently on bed rest too."

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