13 - Jaemin Who

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I followed Mark downstairs into his office. Taeyong and Kun were also there but the latter had a big pile of paperwork that probably needed doing so he wasn't focusing on us. Taeyong, however, had noticed our entrance, placed his coffee mug down and leaned back on his chair expectantly.

"Are you giving me the necklace key thing now?" I asked once I had sat down in front of Mark's desk.

"I had actually forgotten about that, give me a sec." Taeyong searched the contents of his drawers before handing me a circular-shaped pendant necklace, just like the others had. Except it had my initials and 'Dream' and 'U' on mine.

"We wanted to discuss a few things with you, so I hope you don't mind staying here for a few hours." Mark warned me. I shook my head. Pfft, like I have anything to do back at home. After all, the Utopia Party did restrict the amount of leisure time a person has. "And Taeyong will be included since he's our general leader and we have a few...concerning topics to talk about."


"A few of the members have noticed that you don't seem to be in the best of health." Taeyong started. "Of course, the ankle and the shoulder are understandable since that happened here, but it doesn't explain the fainting or what seems like memory loss. Do you have any medical conditions we should be aware of?"

"I don't think so? I mean, I saw a therapist twice a week before coming here but I thought everyone does that?"

"A therapist? What did you talk about?" Mark asked.

"Just everyday things: how my day at school was, if I did anything interesting over the weekend, anything. To be honest, I don't know why I went to her in the first place, and I didn't know how to get out of it. Too much paperwork."

"Do you still go?" I shook my head. "Good, but I'm not sure you're safe anymore."

"Yeah, I agree. You may have to stay at the base from now on."

"Huh, why? She's not dangerous."

"There's a few reasons actually, but I have to confirm something. Why did you go to see her in the first place? When did you go to her?" Taeyong questioned.

I stayed silent. Now that I properly thought about it, I'd gone to her and a few other therapists before and didn't question it.

"That's what I thought. You've been going to therapists for years without a reason. I looked through your government data and nothing. So why do you need to go to a therapist if there's nothing wrong with you?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. As I said, I thought everyone had a therapist."

"We all used to. But after a certain age, if they find nothing wrong with us, we can stop going. And you're well past that age, so why are they keeping you?" Mark answered, spinning a pen in his hand.

"I'd like to do a medical exam on him." Kun added after a solid 20-second pause.

"I'll allow it." Taeyong agreed. "I think the government is hiding something."

"Cool. Are you able to do it after this so-called meeting?"

"Sure? It's not like I have anything else to do."

"Well, come find me when you're done. I need a snack." Kun left the room.

"The second thing I want to address," Mark brought my attention back, "was the fact that Yuta and Renjun now think you're psychic or something. Why's that?"

I suppressed a giggle. "Well, Yuta thinks I predicted his leg getting worse and Renjun was actually going to enter the room instead of Haechan so I could have saved him from being shot."

"Oh, I remember that! I was taking you around the second floor and you just blurted out 'two days'." Taeyong interrupted, slamming his palm on his desk. "Wait, but it's been more than two days since then?"

"They said the same thing. Yuta thinks that my 'ability' is right but not always accurate."

"Well, if you do have another prediction or something, please let us know. I would like to investigate this further." Mark added.

I nodded. They started talking about some other things, but I had somewhat zoned out and everything around me was a little fuzzy. Words were not processed and small black dots filled my vision.

Taeyong must have noticed because my body started moving onto the floor with my legs propped up in the air by my chair. After a few minutes, my senses had come back and I saw Mark right in my face.

"I think he's OK now, Tae. Jisung, how many fingers am I holding up?"


"Yeah, he's good."

"Do you remember what we were talking about before? What's the last thing you remember?" Taeyong asked, staring down at me in an expression that was either concerned or his neutral expression. Honestly, unless the guy was smiling, I had no idea what he was trying to convey.

I tried to think back to my latest memory, but a headache started to form. "Um...I saw two people at the computer area...typing really fast?"

"Do you remember who? Or can you describe them?"

I winced and tried to recall their faces. "Two Dreamies...um...one had blonde hair and the other had like wavy, brown hair? Haechan and....J-something."

"Jaemin?" Mark tried to help.


"Well, he's the only one at the base with blond hair so it must be."

"I'm still concerned with how you forgot Jaemin. I'm getting Kun. Mark, try to get him to the medics' room." He left quickly in search of his co-leader.

"Wait, you could help me, y'know!" Mark called out but it fell to deaf ears. "Tch, come on Jisung, let's go. Can you walk?"

I slowly got up from the ground and stood up. My legs seemed to hold me upright, so I nodded. "Slowly, please?" I muttered. While I did feel OK enough to move, I didn't want to risk sudden movements.

"Sure, and let's hope Kun doesn't bring out the scary medical equipment; I've never seen the man smile so much when he uses it, that little sadistic bitch."


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