36 - Eunhee's Back

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The leader stared at the barrel pointed at his face and scoffed. "I should have known you weren't alright after your kidnapping. How long have you been working for them?"

The youngest stayed silent as if he didn't hear him. His expressionless face remained as he pulled out his phone from his back pocket. Without taking his eyes off his hostage, he dialled a number and waited for an answer. Within ten seconds, the call picked up and Jisung shoved the phone in Taeyong's face.

"Jisung, did you do it?" The feminine voice asked.

"Of course, he is here now."

"Good, thank you. Lee Taeyong, am I right?"

"Eunhee." He gritted his teeth

"Pleasure to meet you, leader of NCT. You were our most dangerous enemy yet, but you couldn't even spot a mole from day one."

Day one?

"Yes, that's right. We have been using Jisung to take down all our enemies, infiltrating them to take them down from the inside." She cackled maniacally. "And now you're next."

"How dare you?! I'll find you before that can happen!" He attempted to lunge forward at Jisung and the phone, but he was stopped when the pistol aimed at his head clicked, ready to fire. He sighed in defeat and stayed still.

"Done having your little tantrum? As I was saying, you're easily the fastest group we've infiltrated. All we had to do was strategically place Jisung looking for a job, and the rest was history! He didn't even know he was being used until we took him back for more debriefing. Now, all we have to do is take out you and your little group and we'll start the whole process again, wiping Jisung's memory and strengthening his chip again. he definitely had too much autonomy for this mission."

"You're using a kid to do your dirty work? How fitting for the government."

"Well, it's quite easy to do, no one ever suspects a kid," Eunhee replied. "Although, I led this mission for an ulterior motive, and it's all because of one of your members."

"One of my members?" The leader asked. How could anyone have contact with her? Was it Mark or Jaemin, especially as they came from one of their labs before joining NCT?

"Yes, they broke my heart and left me. Once I found out that they joined a rebellion group, I knew I had to exact my revenge. And now I'll break their heart, starting from getting rid of the ones they love."

"We won't let that happen."

She laughed again. "Oh, it's already too late for you to do anything."


"Haven't they been gone for too long?" Kun asked without taking his eyes off of the screen. "Lucas, there's one more crate behind you."

"Yeah, we should investigate," Mark replied. "Shotaro, leave the crowbar behind, we have seven at the base already. Stop taking them and go back to the van."

On-screen, Shotaro pouted and placed it back down where he found it.

"Rock, paper, scissors to see who goes to find them?" Mark suggested.

"You always pick rock and lose. Just go and find them." Kun shooed him away. The younger sighed and walked towards Taeyong's office. He could hear quiet murmurs through the walls and decided to burst in.

"Taeyong, Jisung! What's taking so long-"

He blinked slowly and took in the scene before him: Jisung holding his leader at gunpoint. He tackled Jisung to the ground, knocking the gun away. Jisung reacted quickly by elbowing him in the face and flipping their position on the ground so that he was on top of Mark. Blows were traded but Jisung used all his strength to punch Mark in the face and knocked him out.

Now that he was dealt with, he turned to Taeyong to do the same. However, as he was fighting Mark, Taeyong had reached into his desk to pull out his emergency sedative (you never know when you need one, he always said). As soon as the leader saw an opening, he plunged the syringe into his neck.

Jisung screamed in pain and tried to grab him, but the effects of the injection finally reached him, and he slowly sank into unconsciousness. He sighed in relief and grabbed a pair of handcuffs to tie Jisung's hands together. The phone call to Eunhee had also ended before Mark had come in but he knew it wouldn't be the last time he heard her annoying voice.

He turned his comms back on and spoke onto the channel with the leaders only. "Kun, everyone needs to come back home asap. We have an important matter to discuss, and you need to come and get Mark from my office. He's hurt and needs medical attention."

"On my way."

He then spoke on the general channel for everyone else. "Come home everyone, we have a problem."

A series of questions (and a scream from Hendery) filled his ears.

"And don't go to the third underground level of the base. We're holding Jisung there."


I'm back! Hoping to finish this in a week or so. Hopefully, less than that so I can focus on new releases and editing.

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