30 - A Plushie Makes Everything OK

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Jisung was luckily unconscious while the leaders proceeded with their checks. Kun and Yangyang did another MRI scan and didn't find anything metal to convince them he had been chipped. Mark gently but efficiently patted him down for any external tracking or bugging device and found one overtly stuck on the collar of the gown. He proceeded to stomp on it, crushing its technology and found no others. After a thorough check, he was clean and safe.

Taeil did notice he had some bruising on his left arm and his left ankle was still a little swollen from not properly healing the first time he entered the base. He would do a blood test to see if they injected anything into him and analyse whatever drug they administered to him. For now, he would wrap his ankle carefully with his emergency gauze that he always carried around.

Soon, they returned to the base, placing him down on one of the infirmary beds. Renjun was also staying since he was also not fully recovered, or so he said, and everyone but the three doctors in the van were kept outside.

Instead, they would have a debrief in the meeting room.


"I think we were pretty successful for the most part," Taeyong started when he thought everyone was in the room, "no gunshot wounds to treat and we got some supplies."

"Can't forget that we got Jisung back too." Mark helpfully whispered.

"Ah yes, and our youngest is back with us." A chorus of cheers filled the room. "Now, did we find anything new?"

Doyoung raised his hand. "I managed to search a few rooms and desks and grabbed as many files as I could. I can't read them due to my other duties, but anyone is welcome to do so." He gestured to the chunky stack of files and notebooks he brought back.

"I think Jeno as our best hacker should do it, and he may understand some of the language and drug names used. There is no pressure as I would also advise the other alchemists to do so." Taeyong suggested.

The younger shrugged. "I've got nothing better to do."

"I'll help," Shotaro added.

"Me too." Jungwoo offered.

"OK, we'll leave it to you, but the others can look at them too. Anyone else?"

This time, Sungchan raised his hand. "We got the ammo and guns, so we can track the makers and suppliers if you want?"

Taeyong grinned. "Good, not only can we use them, but we can stop the spread of their suppliers. I'll leave that to the weapons specialists, and I'd like a hacker to find their supplier."

"Yeah, I can do it," Jaemin suggested. "I've been trying to do that for a couple of months so I think I can help."

"Nice, anything else?"

There was no movement until Jaehyun stood up. "While you were searching the seventh floor, the ground and first floor were completely empty. Of course, I armed myself with a gun, but it wasn't necessary to use."

"Why you even left the van after I told you not to still confuses me. Continue anyway."

"I had to plant the bomb and fireworks, obviously," he said as if planting one was part of the plan, "Anyway, they just had these little pink pill packs scattered across the floors, tables, everywhere. Naturally, I grabbed as many as I could." He emptied his pockets, revealing handfuls of blister packs. "I have another 2 bags of them if the alchemists or doctors want them."

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