35 - It Never Ends

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"Ah, Jisung, what brings you here?" Yangyang swivels around on his chair to face the youngest. Like a villain, he's holding and stroking a cat (plushie of course. No one in this house would be able to care for an actual one).

"Johnny said you wanted to see me, so I came." He sat down on one of the beds. On the other side of the room, Sungchan was stock-taking.

The doctor frowned slightly. "I didn't actually need you, I wanted Johnny to get me a sandwich, which he never did. But, since you're here, Kun prescribed medicine that improves your memory and some added nutrients for you. Do you want them now?"

Jisung shrugged. "Sure."

Sungchan grabbed a small, white bottle out of the cupboard to his left and placed it in Jisung's palm. "Take one every morning. There shouldn't be any adverse effects but talk to one of the doctors if there are."

"And where did Kun get these from?" Jisung asked as he inspected the bottle, turning it in every way possible. He also unscrewed the cap and held out the circular white pills.

"I believe Shotaro made them. After all, he's an expert on nutrition."


"JS502, you should rename my contact as 'grandma'. Your so-called leader rang me and I had to act fast." The voice sighed after Jisung greeted her as usual after a few days.

"I'll do that after this call."

"And what is your status?"

"No new suspicions. All evidence of my activity has been erased and is untraceable. And all cameras and microphones have been wired back to your HQ."

"Good, let it stay that way." She paused. "I think we're almost ready to take out NCT, are you ready?"

"Whenever you are ready."

"A week from now, we will make it look like we're releasing a new nutrient, which your members know as the 'pink drug'. Obviously, NCT will try and stop it, but they'll be released in several locations, causing them to split up and deal with it in smaller, easier groups. And whoever stays back at your base with you, you take hostage. Got it?"

He nodded, only to realise she couldn't see his action (or maybe she could since she had access to the cameras now). "Yep. I'll let you know the plans closer to the time."


"Big news!" Mark slammed the door open in the meeting room, which currently hosted NCT 127.

"What is it? If it's about the ice cream machine, I don't want to hear it-"

"NO! They're releasing the pink drug to the public in a week!"

They all gasped. They knew that whatever was in them wasn't good and the fact that the public would be able to access them soon was terrible.

"Call an emergency meeting."

After several minutes and confused looks, everyone sat down and faced the leaders.

"So, we just got new info that the pink pills will be available to the public in a week. It's obviously our job to find the supply and destroy it before they can." Kun said.

"They know its side effects and yet they still want to do that?" Taeil yelled angrily. A few yells from other members agreed.

"It doesn't matter what reasons they had." Ten said. "We just need to find as much information as possible, right? And preferably within the next two days?"

"You know us so well, Ten." Taeyong agreed. "We're working non-stop for the next couple of days."


Everything was set. They found out all the locations where the drugs would be revealed (no information was found about where they were manufactured) and the members were split into groups of two and one group of three since the leaders and Jisung were managing comms. Taeyong said he would be in his office so he could access the live feeds from the news channels and any incoming information that he could relay back to the others.

So far, everything had gone smoothly. Three groups had already destroyed their targeted supply and the others had located the crates and were waiting for the right opportunity.

Jisung had slinked away to Taeyong's office without the other leaders noticing. If he wasn't under any influence that suppressed his true self, he would be sweating bullets and shaking at how big this operation was. Not that he would do this.

When Taeyong saw Jisung enter, he was confused. "Aren't you supposed to be with the others?"

The younger fidgeted nervously. "I need to tell you something, but I don't want the others to hear it. Is it OK if you turn your comms off for a minute?"

The leader frowned but complied.

"Good, this will be easier to do now that no one will hear you." He said as he clicked the safety off his gun and pressed it against Taeyong's temple.

"Make any sudden movements or let the other know what I'm doing, and I won't hesitate to shoot."


Evil Jisung?

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