40 - Regroup

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Yuta and his group didn't usually go on missions together so it was natural that they wouldn't get along. Whilst he and Winwin were certain that the left path would take them to a quiet area, hopefully with an exit, the others were not so sure. They insisted the right would take them to their freedom, which caused a lot of arguments between them. In the end, they compromised and went the ways they felt was right.

The duo had found a crawlspace in the vents which could fit both of them comfortably and so they entered it and blindly followed the path it showed them. The others were not so lucky and had to navigate the narrow corridors in hopes that they wouldn't encounter anyone.

Unfortunately, the larger team had faced several guards who noticed them instantly and had shot them down with no hesitation. Meanwhile, Yuta and Winwin had managed to reach the rooftop through the vents, and they had not seen any enemies. Winwin grabbed a small pole that was nearby, bent it and put it over a wire line that connected the building to a telephone pole, which they could slide down afterwards. Using their makeshift zipline, they managed to escape and run without being seen by everyone, probably due to the other guards being in highly concentrated groups with the other members.


Chenle, Sungchan, Jeno and Yangyang were also mostly successful. Since they were already on the ground floor, all they had to do was find an exit. Like Kun's group, they had noticed that the front exit was heavily guarded, but a lot of ground floor rooms had giant windows, easily able for a human to jump through. They selected a room to the left and quickly jumped through the windows.

Just as they reached the wire fencing that gated the building, one of the guards noticed them and opened fire. They were able to duck and dodge the bullets, only receiving a couple of grazes. Yangyang was not so fortunate and had a wound on his left arm, not a critical wound but still hurt, nonetheless. The fencing was not too tall and easy to climb for them since they trained most days, so they opted to do this rather than trying to open the small hole in the corner of the fence (no doubt that they would need a bigger hole and would injure themselves both on the wires and the bullets aimed at them).

After scaling the fence and helping Yangyang up, they had escaped.


The solo members had not been so successful. Xiaojun had been shot after a minute and Haechan was found instantly with his snacks. Jaehyun had reached the front entrance and had noticed too late that it was heavily guarded. Before he could escape, the guards had noticed and shot him.

Renjun, despite being a floor above where he started, had been making substantial progress. Like Yuta and Winwin, he had found a vent and crawled through it, eventually reaching the rooftop and ziplining to the same pole. He caught up to the duo within a minute and they had gone far away within minutes.

Shotaro kept following Chenle and his group's path until he saw Jisung and ducked into an empty kitchen. There was no point in trying to take him or talk him back to their side not with the influence that the government and Utopia Party had on him. Noticing a latch on the floor that was under a clothed table, he pulled it, revealing an underground passageway. He went inside, not forgetting to shut the door after himself and fumbled his way through it. He hoped it would lead outside somewhere and not to an underground drugs lab, but he wouldn't know until he saw some light. To his delight, it had led to the outside, close to a warehouse but he couldn't stop there. And so, he kept running to a place where he knew he wouldn't be found at.


As they were running, most of the surviving members realised where they were and noticed that they owned a small bunker about a mile away. Since they didn't sustain any hindering injuries, they quickly made it there.

Ten was the first to arrive with Yuta, Winwin and Renjun just minutes behind. Chenle's group took longer as they had stopped to tie Jeno's shirt around Yangyang's bullet wound and they didn't want to leave a blood trail leading towards their hideout. The members also didn't know where to go and just ran aimlessly for ten minutes until Sungchan had recommended the bunker.

The bunker didn't consist of much. It was a small, underground room with many bottles of water and long-lasting food rations. A couple of chairs were scattered around the room and there was a computer and a large screen to one side.

"Is this everyone?" Ten asked after an hour of silence. He glanced around to the members.

"I think so." Yuta replied. "If anyone else survived, it wouldn't take this long to arrive, no matter how injured they were."

"So, did anyone see who died?" Chenle asked.

"Johnny and Kun did." Ten whispered.

"We left Doyoung, Taeil, Jungwoo and Lucas to go another way." Winwin added. "And now, none of them are here so I'm assuming they did too. Oh, and Hendery as well."

"I'm pretty sure someone was following us, but I don't know if they were a member or not." Jeno said.

"Well, no one shot at us for a while, so I think it was." Sungchan sighed. "But in our panic-filled minds, I guess we just had the instinct to run."

"We need to regroup and with our current leaders out of action-" Yangyang suggested.

"Wait, what happened to Mark? And Jaemin?" Renjun interrupted.


Hmm, where did Shotaro go? Will he be back?

And yes, I did just kill off most of NCT, what did you expect from me?

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