9 -The Butterfly is Yellow

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"We have a new mission?" Asked Jeno. "God, it's been so long."

"We know, that's why we're sending you out. And this time, all of Dream are included and we're putting Jisung and Chenle on trial."

"Wait, really?" I was shocked. I've not even been here a week and I get a new mission.

"That's awesome! I get to try my shooting skills, right?" Chenle said excitedly. I guess he hasn't been on many missions either.

"So, to start off with, here are the profiles-" Mark started, ignoring Chenle's request.

"Why are we still here then? Can we just leave?" Taeil complained as he slumped on the desk.

"No, I need you all here. If something goes wrong, you especially need to help with any wounds. And for everyone else, if they need backup, you're all on standby and we don't have to brief you." Taeyong explained. Trust our leader to know what he's talking about.

"As I was saying, on the board is the profiles of the people we will see at the place. It's some sort of gathering between Korean and Chinese government officials about the new drug import." Mark resumed, clicking the remote in his hand to change the slide. More pictures showed up until I recognised one of them in the left corner. Why did I recognise him?

"Wait, Chinese?" Someone asked. I didn't recognise him like everyone else along with someone two rows behind me.

"Ah, that was what I was about to move on to. A lot of this meeting will be in Mandarin so the only ones on the ground will be Renjun and Chenle. Unless anyone else wants to join them?"

"Hey, what about the whole of WayV? Most of us are young enough to be in Dream and we speak Mandarin!" Lucas suggested. If I remember correctly, he's the one who wanted to be in Dream.

"And bonus points for Yangyang who speaks German!" Someone else yelled out.

"Der Schmetterling ist gelb."

"Guys, shut up!" Mark tried to calm down the others. Keyword is tried. "I understand that most of you can speak another language but like I said before, this mission is for Dream, not WayV. I was asking the Dreamies a question, so I expect everyone to shut their trap and listen to our debriefing like we would to yours."

"That never happens in any meeting, don't lie." Ten called out.

"WayV, if you don't shut up right now, I'm banning you from all meetings and the snack bar." Kun threatened, which instantly shut them all up. I guess the power of food is the real winner in all situations.

"Alright, so Renjun and Chenle are in the building. Haechan, since you're our drug-handler, you'll be outside on standby so when you know where they are you can get them and destroy them."

"How do I know where they are though?"

"That's where the rest of you come in. Jeno, Haechan and Jisung, you're our hackers. You play a very important part in this mission so take notes or something." He paused while we got some paper ready. "You have 3 days to hack into the guest list and put Renjun and Chenle onto the guest list, under fake names obviously. Then, you need to map out the floor plan, all entrances and exits included, and locate where they're storing the new drug."

"Hold on, we have 3 days to do this?!" Jeno complained and stood up. "That's not nearly enough time."

"You've had longer to do simpler tasks than this so this should be enough time. And we kinda only got news of this yesterday since they don't announce gatherings like this to the public. Be glad Doyoung got the info in the first place." Taeyong reasoned.

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