8 - The Meeting

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"Alright losers, hurry up, sit down and be quiet. We have a very big meeting to hold today." Kun started off, making everyone slowly make their way to a desk and chair. In the room overall were 30 chairs, meaning that there were some gaps, but it didn't matter. I sat next to Chenle at the front since he saved me a seat. My initial plan was to sit next to Taeyong since I knew I could trust him somewhat. However, that plan was ruined when Mark sat next to him on a two-seater table near the presenter, so I was stuck with Chenle. Not that he was bad, but after hiding his true identity I was a little annoyed.

"You say that every single meeting and yet it's probably just a new mission and some reminders." An unknown person replied from behind me. I turned to look at him and we made eye contact. Very long eye contact. He smiled and tilted his head a little. "New here?"

I kept staring at him. Some might say it was creepy, but I was in a room with people I didn't know or trust enough to be comfortable around them.

Kun cleared his throat, gaining our attention. "When you're all finished, I'll make a start."

"Cool, so Xiaojun, what were you saying before?" Hendery (if I remember correctly) yelled across the room.

"I was saying," Xiaojun answered in an equally loud voice, "that if you get the cheese and a gun-"

"That doesn't mean continue." Taeyong said lowly, but it was enough to be heard clearly by everyone. That is one fine skill to have since it shut them up. "If you can't let my co-leader speak, I will have to remove you from our team. We don't have time to waste." He gestured for Kun to continue.

"As I was saying, we do have a lot of things to do today. First on the list is introducing our newest member." He turned to me. "Why don't you come up and introduce yourself to the team?"

At this point, it felt like being the new kid at a new school. Even the room was set out like a classroom. To an extent, it felt like walking into the lion's den.

I sighed and stood up, facing the room. I scanned the seats and found about 5 people I didn't recognise. "I'm Jisung. I'm training to be a hacker, alchemist and Intel. Nice to meet you."

"An Intel?"


Collective gasps and awe filled the room. Guess it doesn't happen often. I mean, after all, it was only Ten and Winwin that applied to be one.

"Yes, as Jisung just said, he will be training to be an Intel, but as you all know there are a few things he has to do as well as us." Kun interrupted everyone.

"Oh, the vote thing?" Yangyang asked.

"Yep. For those who joined after Kun became one, I'll explain what's happening. In order to be an Intel or even a new sub-unit leader, we need to unanimously vote for them to be one. That means if even one person says no, another vote won't be held until 6 months after, so choose wisely." He turned to face me. "So if we don't agree, you will be training as only a hacker and alchemist."

I nodded. "I know what I signed up for. And something tells me that you don't want me to be one."

"You'll find out later I guess." He smiled mysteriously.

"Well, you all have a paper in front of you." Mark shifted the topic. "Write your name and tick the box that matches your decision on Jisung being an Intel. You have 5 minutes to put them in the box here," he pointed to the box on the presenter's desk," or else we'll assume that your vote means yes."

"If you also want to ask any questions before we start, now is your time to ask." Taeyong added.

"How are we supposed to make a life-changing decision about someone who I haven't even met?" One of the unknown people asked.

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