A New Adventure Begins | 4

Beginne am Anfang

"A friend." Jinhua finished a she rushed forward with a flying kick from the air that unarmed Mei of her weapon and made her fall back on her butt.

Mei looked back to see Jinhua catch the unarmed weapon from the sky with an amused look on her face, "Do you understand why you train now, my sweet little apprentice?"

Mei blinked a few times before unconsciously nodding slowly as she admired the older woman's confident stance and prowess in battle.

"Good." Jinhua hummed in interest as she gazed off into the distance, "It's time we rejoin our group as we start nearing our destination."

With that Jinhua grabbed hold of Mei's outstretched hand and walked around the ship's cabin and to the front of the ship that had a couch and a few potted plants on the rails.

Jinhua raised a brow at the sight of MK twirling around Wukong's staff with no idea how to use it except to do epic hero poses with it, "Umm... MK? My sweet little brownie, can you not twirl the safety hazarded weapon?"

MK jumped at the new voice in the area and accidentally added a bit too much chi energy to the handle, making it stretch forward at a fast speed, directly towards Jinhua and Mei, "Ah-! Mei! Mom!" He panicked.

But when the staff's end reached Jinhua, it had been stopped almost immediately by the tip of Jinhua's finger tip.

The whole group gapped at the sight.

Jinhua raised a brow as she directed the staff's end away from her face so she could meet MK's gaze, "What did I just say about the safety hazard weapon?" She huffed with a frown.

MK started to laugh nervously while rubbing the back of his head, "Oh-! Heh heh... Sorry 'bout that, Jinhua... I didn't mean too."

Letting out a sigh, the demoness watched the staff slowly descend back to its original place, "Also your footwork needs practice... It's way more sloppier than when Mei started training.."

"What!?" MK whipped his head towards Mei's direction who just gave him a smug look, "Sloppier...?"

Jinhua sighed and took a seat on the rails, crossing her legs in a lady like manner, "Slow, untamed, uncoordinated, unpracticed, unbalanced. Do you need me to go on?" She raised a brow in his direction asking if he needs any more synonyms.

With each word it seemed he got hit by invisible arrows piercing prided heart. He fell to his knees in utter shame, "Ugh—! Jinhua... Why...???"

Mei was just snickering while poking him with her training sword, "Don't take it to heart, MK..! You'll get better if you ask Jinhua for some tips! Then you could fight just like the Great Monkey King in Jinhua's stories."

MK immediately shot up from his spot with a burning flame surrounding him, "That's right! With Jinhua teaching me and her fancy foot stepping, I could kick some butt too!" He clenched his fist in determination.

"Yeah, BOI—!" Mei tackled him in a hug as they both started chanting, 'Whoo Whoo! Monkey power! Whoo whoo! Fancy footwork!'

Jinhua just shook her head in amusement, "Kids...." She hummed to herself as she kept her gaze on the closing in land ahead. Her eyes narrowing in slight caution.

MK and Mei let out loud gasps as they looked on ahead, "Flower Fruit Mountain!" They pointed in glee.

Frowning at the sight before them, Jinhua hopped up from the rails and placed her hands on both the teens backs.

Muttering a small prayer to herself, she glanced at the two digits appearing on their backs before fading away unseen. Both kids looked up to the older woman with bright grins.

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