Chapter 19

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Once again, Lan Zhan was greeted by an echoey, empty and stuffy office on Monday morning. Wei Ying had called in yesterday and explained that he would be taking leave for the day. Given the circumstances, he could not blame Wei Ying for spending time away from the office and would be prepared to go without his valuable assistant for however long it would take the younger to feel comfortable. From his perspective, he vowed to do whatever was possible to help the younger recover. For now, that meant investigating the events of the weekend and severely punishing all involved. He picked up the phone and began to dig.

On the opposite side of town, Wei Ying was still warmly nestled into his sheets, tightly embracing his son and making the most of the opportunity to sleep in. He stretched comfortably before trudging to the kitchen where a well-intentioned breakfast of burnt toast awaited him along with a bedraggled Xue Yang. The family ate and then Wei Ying washed the dishes while his Yang-ge showered and changed. Once he was done he dressed up A-Yuan in a cute set of blue and white dinosaur patterned dungarees, a stripey t-shirt and white sneakers. Finally, he changed himself into a pair of loose fitting 'mom jeans' cuffed at the ankle, a white undershirt layered under a loose fitting baby blue shirt and some white converse style shoes. He tied his hair messily up into a half-up-half-down bun and dusted on some brown eye shadow and liner. 

Feeling ready, the family left the apartment and commenced their day of adventures, holding hands in a line as they walked to the bus stop. Unfortunately, neither of the adults had a car and they couldn't all pile on to Xue Yang's motorbike without becoming somewhat of a safety risk so they were left with the bus as their only viable option. Wei Ying didn't mind though. He felt insanely happy and found himself able to forget the troublesome context of the outing. 

First, they visited the amusement park. Even the air seemed to pulse with excitement and the air smelled warm and sweet. They gleefully gorged on candy floss and hot dogs to their hearts content, in between whizzing around on exhilarating rides. Log flume, Carousel, Ferris Wheel: they did it all and Wei Ying was pleased to learn that Xue Yang was as much of a thrill seeker as he was. Together they conquered all the scariest and biggest rides (even whilst clenching sweaty hands and screaming in fear).

 A-Yuan was also pleased as they played on the children's rides together - letting out peals of wholesome giggles and squeals as he was teased by his new uncle. The park also had an aquarium attached to it. Not only was it his child's first time in an aquarium it was also Wei Ying's first time and immediately it was magical. An encompassing blue tranquillity that separated the internal haven from the raucous outside. They saw the huge and intimidating sharks in one tank and creepy crabs with scary blank eyes in another. Wei Ying's favourite though was the peaceful jellyfish which floated around under slowly colour-changing LED lights. He envied the peaceful life they must have, being slowly pulled by the tide, with no thoughts and no worries to contend with. 

A-Yuan's favourite were the 'nemo' fish (clownfish) and he babbled on about the cartoon. Wei Ying felt intensely grateful and content watching his son and reflecting on the day. Xue Yang had been right - he had needed this.


The next day, Wei Ying felt refreshed, excited even, and ready to return to work. It was like a primal instinct for him to work and he would feel strange if he spent too long away from it. After dropping A-Yuan off for the day and hitching a lift with Xue Yang he arrived in the office early. Just the way he liked it. He prepared himself for the day and then began to set up things for his boss.

When Lan Wangji walked in, Wei Ying did not know how to act. While their relationship previously had not been excessively formal, it was also not exactly casual but the whole situation over the weekend had sort of knocked things out of balance. Wei Ying no longer knew where he stood. It didn't help that the sharp beauty of his boss and his strong aura only sent his thoughts hastening back to Lan Zhan's half-naked figure after the shower. 

He gulped hard before mentally slapping himself and stepping forward with some neatly sliced fruits and a cup of strong coffee for his boss. He cleared his throat.

"Good morning sir. I have prepared some fruit and coffee for you if you would like it. I have placed a copy of your schedule for today on your desk for you to check through."

"Hmmn."  Responded his boss.

Wei Ying may have misinterpreted it but there seemed to be some sort of cheerful and mischievous glint in his boss's eye and his mouth seemed to have slightly drawn upwards at the corners. Not a smile by any stretch of the imagination but it was something.

"Oh, and Wei Ying..." he called out as Wei Ying was leaving his office. 

The younger turned towards the speaker, marvelling at how wonderful his name sounded on those juicy lips.

"I'm glad that you're back today."

Wei Ying's heart was racing so fast that in his distracted state he smacked straight into the door frame on the way out. He reddened before running away and hiding under his desk in embarrassment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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