Chapter 16

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3rd Person POV

Lan Zhan hurried to the car and chucked Lan Xichen the keys. The older opened up the side door before jumping into the drivers seat as Lan Zhan brought Wei Ying into the back. The younger's head was on his lap and his legs were curled up tightly on the adjacent seat. Lan Zhan instructed the older to turn up the heating as Wei Ying was still shivering violently. 

He tried to relax the boy enough that he could sleep whilst they drove to his apartment. Eventually, Wei Ying passed out and the rest of the journey passed in a tense silence as Lan Zhan directed Xichen to his secretary's apartment. He thought about calling Xue Yang on Wei Ying's phone in advance but decided that it wouldn't be very helpful: he didn't fancy having an argument with the other right now. 

Once they arrived at the apartment block, Lan Zhan jumped out of the car with Wei Ying in his arms. Luckily, he remembered Wei Ying telling him his apartment number. They walked into the building lobby / entrance area and waited for the elevator to take them to the right floor. Once they reached Wei Ying's apartment, Lan Zhan aggressively kicked the door. Both of his hands were full holding Wei Ying's prone figure and he knew that Xue Yang was inside. He waited but nothing happened so he kicked it again a couple of times and shouted,"open the door".

Eventually, the door opened slightly to reveal a sleepy, shirtless Xue Yang rubbing his eyes. Lan Zhan did not have time to chat and just barged in. By this point, Xue Yang had noticed Wei Ying's messed up looking form and upon instruction, led Lan Zhan to Wei Ying's room. Lan Zhan placed him on the bed and looked around. 

The man's room was messily neat. That was the only way he could describe it. In the centre of the room there was a double bed with black and white stripey sheets neatly placed on the bed. To the side there was a small wardrobe filled with a mix of casual and office clothes. There was also a desk covered in piles of paperwork and pictures. Shelves ran across one of the walls, filled with cute little souvenirs and memories. 

Lan Zhan liked the apartment as a whole. It felt super cosy and domestic with all of A-Yuan's art pieces on the walls and family pictures everywhere. The only issue he had with the apartment was the giant waste of space (Xue Yang) that was residing here for the night. He flopped on the couch while he waited for Xue Yang to come back from changing the younger's clothes; he couldn't be left in the uncomfortable formal clothes and as much as Lan Zhan hated to admit it, the younger would be more comfortable with having his 'Yang gege' do it for him.

Lan Zhan sighed still angry and tired from the night. Xue Yang flopped down beside him and then turned to him, a murderous look in his eyes.

"What did you do to him?" He whisper-shouted, well aware of the sleeping toddler next door.

"I did nothing." Responded Lan Zhan but then dissipated his anger. His issue with Xue Yang was irrelevant right now. Arguing wouldn't help.

"Someone spiked his drink and then some guy tried to rape him. I got there as soon as I could, but..." He trailed off.

But what? He didn't actually know the full impact of the events on Zhan yet. They would have to wait and see. He felt so guilty that he hadn't been able to look after Wei Ying even for those few hours. Xue Yang sat beside him deep in thought, holding back his urge to strangle the other and then hunt down the man that had assaulted Wei Ying.

Things proceeded in that way for a couple of hours, neither daring to sleep or leave in case anything happened. Then a loud thud was heard from Wei Ying's room. The two alarmed men rushed in to find Wei Ying on the floor. Lan Zhan carried him back to the bed before checking him over for injuries. 

"Are you alright?" Asked Xue Yang.

"Please... water," croaked out Wei Ying.

Xue Yang rushed out of the room to get a glass of water. Lan Zhan had discovered the boy had fallen over due to dizziness while trying to get a drink. He tested his forehead to find that the younger was burning up. Once Xue Yang returned, they made Wei Ying drink before he slipped back off to sleep. Xue Yang was sent to go buy some fever reducing medicine whilst Lan Zhan placed a cold pack on his head.

After a little while, he noticed the boy was sweating a lot so he found a basin and a clean cloth and began to sponge bath him. It was a bit awkward for Lan Zhan as he felt as though he was invading the younger's privacy however, he convinced himself it was necessary and justifiable.

He sponged along his small face, and then down his long pale neck, along his arms, over his legs (he was wearing shorts), and then finally under his loose t-shirt trying to force his ticking mind away from focusing on the process. 

He watched the boy carefully, tracing over each of his delicate features in his mind. Wei Ying began to toss and turn and cry out in his sleep so Lan Zhan attempted to wake him but it didn't work however the younger managed to wrap his arms around Wangji's waist and was calm again as he pressed his head into Wangji's abs. 

Lan Zhan's heart raced. No, it was more than that. It sprinted trying to escape his tight rib cage. But he was trapped and couldn't leave. Perhaps he was biased but he thought it would've been unfair to leave the younger alone so he stayed and eventually he fell asleep.

And when Xue Yang looked in a little while later, he was helpless to change anything. So the two slumbered on.

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