Chapter 18

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Xue Yang eventually returned from clothes hunting in his apartment with a brash smirk on his face and quite possibly the worst possible outfit he could find in his arms. The top was a garish rainbow-neon Hawaiian shirt with assorted cat faces on it and the pants were a pair of tight-looking faux-leather shorts. Where did the guy even find this stuff? The thought alone of wearing them was mortifying. From his position on the couch Wei Ying found himself uncontrollably laughing at his boss and the ridiculousness of the situation. Feeling embarrassed, Lan Zhan snatched the Hawaiian shirt and locked himself in Wei Ying's room to get changed. 

When he emerged he was in the previous night's slacks and the shirt so generously donated by Xue Yang. Somehow - thought Wei Ying - he still looked incredibly hot but then again Wei Ying was willing to bet that the man would still look attractive in a bin bag with arm holes. Lan Zhan bid goodbye to the group and left to escape back to his house and to a much more stylish shirt.

As the door slammed shut, Xue Yang's raucous laughter filled the room and Wei Ying could barely hold onto his disapproving glare.

"Hehe I'm sorry Wei Ying but as your honorary older brother it is my job to pester, humiliate and test any of your potential suitors." Wei Ying flushed at the obviously insincere apology but found comfort in his neighbour's statement.

'Honorary older brother'. He liked it.


Xue Yang stuck around for the rest of the day. He really enjoyed the company of the little family that had moved in next door. He let Wei Ying go back to sleep in his room whilst he cared for A-Yuan. Together they built a junk model rocket out of empty cardboard boxes and played around for hours pretending to land on new planets. It surprised Xue Yang because he had never considered himself good with kids or even fond of kids but yet he didn't mind looking after A-Yuan. 

In a simultaneously cruel and calming way, Wei Ying reminded him of his Didi (or at least how he imagined the younger would grow up) and he relished resuming his role as an older brother. Wei Ying was bold, bright, caring and careless, hardworking and easily worried just as he remembered his little brother. To be able to comfort and offer support to the younger filled a long vacant space in his heart. Perhaps it was a selfish endeavour to use Wei Ying as a coping mechanism, but whenever the younger called him sweetly as 'Yang-ge', it just felt right. If there was anything he knew from his long stressful childhood in the care system, it was that there doesn't always have to be a biological or legal attachment to be family.

He had just set up the TV to show the newest episode of some children's cartoon when he heard soft sobbing from Wei Ying's room. He knocked on the door lightly before entering and sitting down on the younger's bed. Wei Ying looked a bit of a sight - his hair was mussed and his eyes were red with tear stains streaking his pale cheeks. Upon seeing Xue Yang his crying intensified.

Xue Yang didn't say anything for a while and just opened his arms to embrace the other, who gladly accepted. The silence became comforting and when he was ready Wei Ying sat up and wiped his eyes.

"So... are you going to tell me why you're crying?" Asked Xue Yang, although he had a feeling he already knew.

"Mn. " Responded Wei Ying noncommittally. "I just had a dream or whatever... and it was last night again. And... and that man was there. And he was on top of me... And I couldn't push him off...And no-one was coming... And it was just really scary." He struggled as the tears began again.

Xue Yang hugged him and shushed him protectively. 'How could someone be so sick and attack someone like that?', he thought. He vowed to never let an incident like this occur again.

"Wei Ying," he said firmly," I am so sorry this happened to you. I feel so guilty. You are completely allowed to feel upset and sad about it. If you need to talk, you can always talk to me. I'm sure your boss feels the same; I don't think he'll even let you out of his sight if you go to another event. Why don't we go somewhere as a family to take our minds off of it. I'll call in sick for you at your work for tomorrow and we'll have a day out together. How does that sound?"

"Yang-ge", wailed Wei Ying,"why are you so nice to me?" 

He pouted cutely to the older. 

"But yeah, that sounds really good. Thank you." He said quietly. 

The conversation came to a close and Wei Ying got up to shower and wash before joining the others on the couch. He felt extremely relieved.


Author's Notice:

I would like to preface this with a big apology for keeping you guys waiting for so long. :( i hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!

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