Chapter 13

647 59 14

3rd Person POV

As soon as Wei Ying entered the Lan Mansion, he was rushed off of his feet and out of sight of the Lan's. Nie Huaisang really was serious about the other's not seeing his look before tonight. Oh well, it wasn't long to wait now. 

After being styled down to every last detail, Wei Ying was finally allowed to go down and meet the other two. As he descended the large staircase that led to one of the main lounge areas, the Lan's jaws dropped simultaneously. Wei Ying really did look spectacular - beyond any stretch of the imagination. Even his earrings and jewellery fitted the look perfectly. As for the hair, Lan Zhan was in love with the way the colours shone through in the light, he just wanted to comb his fingers through the silky locks. 

Lan Xichen was the first to recover from his awe. It was no great surprise to him; he knew Nie Huaisang was skilled and Wei Ying was a very beautiful man to begin with.

"Wei Wuxian, you look fantastic! Your entire outfit complements you so well!" He cheered happily.

Lan Zhan didn't (more like couldn't) say anything, just absent-mindedly nodded.

"Thank you Mr Xichen although I think Nie Huaisang deserves more praise than me! Your outfit looks so cool as well. I love the colour!" Wei Ying returned.

Lan Xichen was dressed in a white shirt with a silver and black patterned tie and a medium grey- blue suit that was unusual bold yet muted and perfectly offset his blue contacts and grey highlights in his hair. Next to him, Lan Wangji was dressed in a dark red shirt with a black tie and waist coat and a black blazer with silver accents. He had ox blood red shoes and his black hair was slicked back away from his face. He had a very slight smoky eye which contrasted with the deep red shadow across Wei Ying's eyelids.

The three outfits went together well as all of the reds and maroons in Wei Ying and Lan Zhan's outfits were cool toned to fit Xichen's look however Wei Ying blushed to himself as he thought about the fact that his boss's outfit had obviously been designed to be a pair with his - one perfectly complimenting the other. Huaisang rushed up to touch up the dark reddish tint on Wei Ying's lips drawing Lan Zhan's eyes to the thick, soft features. He thought about kissing them and sucking on them before coming to his senses and stopping himself.


The venue for the event was huge consisting of many rooms filled with floor space to mingle and tables to sit at that seemed to flow endlessly through huge expanses of winding corridors. Vast, platters of food were spread in an extravagant expression of taste while perfectly neat and uniform waiters lined the rooms. People flooded the entire area with expensive gowns and luscious fabrics washed away in a sea of boastful egotism. Some engaged in business talks, others danced, some drank heavily in one grandiose spectacle of wealth.

One by one, more and more famed and anticipated guests entered the event attracting awe filled gazes and eager paparazzi. Eventually, Wei Ying and the Lan's arrived at the venue and descended the huge split staircase that cascaded elegantly down the wall of the main hall, eliciting gasps of wonder and intrigue. Who was the mysterious man that accompanied them so graciously? 

Wei Ying was very mentally torn. On one hand, he was excited to see this novel indulgence yet on the other, he was beginning to feel slightly uncomfortable under the prickling, judging and curious glares that constantly engulfed him. He ignored the sense of unworthiness he felt and began to mutely follow the fast paced and emotionless advancement of Lan Zhan through the crowd.

Many people introduced themselves to the trio and engaged in soulless and dry conversations that were punctuated only by new rounds of champagne and canapes. He had begun to understand that this event was not centred around pleasure, it was a tactical gathering to form alliances and gain status. Those who danced, danced not out of joy but out of an insatiable need to demonstrate the superior competencies, those who chatted, chatted not out of interest but out of a lust for power. A poorly disguised facade. A reestablishment of the hierarchy.

Hours of the same monotonous acts passed with many more yet to come before Wei Ying was somewhat rescued by Lan Xichen. Lan Xichen sensed and understood the younger's suffocation and with the other Lan's permission excused the boy to escape to the less densely packed gardens outside. Of course, it wasn't a complete escape from the stifling perfection - each leaf and each flower felt deliberate and manicured - but the air was appreciated. The two lightly discussed irrelevant topics before Xichen was once again taken away by a couple hungry for acknowledgement.

Now Wei Ying was alone, peacefully gazing up at the star strewn sky. He would go inside in a minute he thought to himself. He couldn't just abandon his post completely as Lan Zhan's assistant. After a final turn about the grounds, he pushed his way through the crowds weaving towards the central hub hoping to find Lan Zhan but instead he was noticed by a sinister looking group of women. One grabbed his shoulder before whispering in his ear. 

"Come with us now, pretty boy."


Author's Note:

I am really sorry this update kind of sucks. I hope you enjoy. I have been crazy busy recently so I am considering taking a week or two off away from Wattpad to get up to date with all the other stuff I need to do and then being able to update 'Bridging the Gap' and 'Mr Perfect and Me' more regularly afterwards.

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