Chapter 15

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3rd Person POV

On the other side of the event, Lan Zhan was getting slightly worried and impatient. His brother had kidnapped Wei Ying away from him (he understood that the younger was sightly overwhelmed and didn't disapprove), but now he was free from the boring chatter for a while, he couldn't find either his brother or his secretary.

He walked around checking room after room until he made eye contact with Xichen and actioned for the older to come over.

"Wangji, what's the matter?" His brother asked.

"Where is my secretary?"

"Oh, I took Mr Wei for some fresh air outside. Although I am surprised that he's not back yet."

He hadn't tried looking outside yet. He made a mental note to check there next.

"Thank you". He said brusquely.

As he made his way towards the nearest exit to the gardens, a group of girls confronted him. He was really not in the mood to deal with their flirtatious advances right now. What was worse is that he recognised the lead girl as Liu Qinyang - his Uncle's favourite choice for his bride to be. 

His uncle was very keen that Lan Zhan should get married and produce some grandchildren soon to secure his position in power but Lan Zhan wasn't completely sure. He was not the most emotionally driven person out there however he still disliked the idea of marrying purely for power and business and not for actual love. He was still relatively young and as far as he was concerned, he had no reason to rush into things. If he shook this girl off now though and was rude to her, he knew his uncle would not be impressed. 

She whined out in her silly and obnoxious voice.


Annoyance covered his features.

"I did not allow you to call me Lan Zhan. We are not close or in that sort of relationship." He bluntly responded.

She pouted like a toddler before flinging herself at him.

"But, Lan Zhan, baby, we could be in that kind of relationship if you wanted us to. I know you really like me so stop being shy." She whined.

"I do not like you. Do not call me like that." He warned but the girl just continued and ignored him.

"Baby, if you had already asked me out, we could have come to this event together and you wouldn't have to bring your stupid little good for nothing f*g of a secretary."

That was it. The girl had completely overstepped her boundaries and Lan Zhan saw red. It was against his beliefs to slap a woman so he held back but he aggressively pulled her to face him. He didn't know why he was quite so protective over his secretary but it didn't matter.

"Shut up you silly little b*tch! How many times do I have to tell you that I don't like you. No amount of makeup you wear will disguise your ugly personality. The thought of being with you makes me want to throw up. How dare you insult my secretary? And to my face as well! He is a better person that you will ever be. If I ever even set eyes on you again, your family's business is as good as over and I will terminate any contracts we have with each other!" He raged quietly without creating too much of an obvious scene.

It was a bit harsh however he had just had enough of this girl that had plagued him for so many years and what she represented. He would have continued but at that moment he heard a quiet shout from outside that sounded awfully like Wei Ying's voice. His heart dropped and he ran outside trying to locate the source of the sound but as suddenly as it had come, the noise had disappeared again.

Lan Zhan's heart went into overdrive as he searched. He cursed the hosts for having such huge grounds. He was too stressed in the moment and focused to worry about sensible logic and he began to lose his cool. He searched high and low, by the pond and water features, in the rose garden, on the drive... but he found nothing. 

He felt a cold hand on his shoulder and looked behind him to see Xichen's worried face. He tried to calm the younger down before doubling back to near where he had first heard the sound and following a more logical approach.

Finally, after what felt like hours, they rounded a corner and saw a disgusting sight. Wei Ying was pressed up against a wall, barely conscious and crying as a large and aggressive man was touching him. Judging by the smudged state of Wei Ying's lipstick, he had been violently kissing the smaller before he had muffled the younger's cries by stuffing a wad of fabric into his mouth. The man's greedy hands had pushed their way into Wei Ying's pants and under his shirt, ripping off the buttons, leaving Wei Ying exposed from the waist up. 

It was very clear how things would escalate if not stopped and Lan Zhan viciously punched the man with enough force to knock him off his feet. He seemed very drunk but that was no excuse. Lan Zhan rained punch after punch down onto the man before Xichen pulled him off.

Lan Zhan ran over to where he had left Wei Ying. He helped the boy take the material out of his mouth and held his shivering figure tightly.

"Mr Lan," he croaked out, "I am very sorry for the mess. Someone spiked my drink."

Lan Zhan was unimaginably angry. He wanted to punch whoever had done this to Wei Ying but more pressing matters were at hand. His secretary was so weak he was having trouble even keeping his head up properly and harsh shivers racked his body. Lan Zhan removed his own shirt and placed it on the younger before, wearing his own blazer again. Then, he picked up Wei Ying bridal style and ran towards the car.

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