Chapter 5

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3rd Person POV

The final stage of testing was the interview. Wei Ying was seated in front of the entire panel of judges and asked questions. This was the part he worried about most, since it would be questioning his qualifications and CV more than his actual skills. In addition, Lan Wangji continued to stare unnervingly throughout the entirety.

The first interviewer, a chubby middle aged man, commenced the questioning.

"The first questions we have for you are why do you want this job and why should we hire you?"

Wei Ying thought for a while, not wanting to be too hasty in forming a response.

"I'll be honest, it was actually not me that thought to apply for this role, it was Mr Lan Xichen. We ended up meeting and he suggested that I would fit the role well and asked that I would apply. However, whilst it was under Mr Lan's guidance that I applied for the role, I have since realised what a good opportunity it would be. Although, I have never been educated further than high school, I would like to believe that I am intelligent and able to adapt in many situations. In addition, I believe that you will not find someone with as much of a work ethic as me."

The interviewers were silent for a while before another asked:

"Looking at your past jobs I can see you have worked in many jobs - even doing multiple at once, could you explain why you have done this?"

"The simple answer is that I always needed the money. My parents died when I was just a child and since then I have been in and out of the care system. As a result, I have never possessed much money or relatives to help me out so I have had to make my own way in the world. Unfortunately, due to my same lack of money, I was unable to participate in higher education so I have been forced to do minimum wage jobs."

"Apparently, you were fired from your previous few jobs, would you care to explain why this issue occurred?" 

"Uhh. Recently, I lost my jobs for a couple of reasons. The first job I lost, I was not fired from - actually, I needed some extra time to look after my son, so I decided to quit. The third one was also because of my son - he was really sick unexpectedly, so I needed to care for him, however I don't have a phone and couldn't contact my boss for a couple of days so I was fired. The second one, I would have probably quit long before I was fired if I didn't need the money. The boss was... um... my boss tried to rape me... on a couple of occasions... but I didn't let him and he was a bit abusive. Eventually, I got fired because he got really drunk and mad at me. So...yeah."

The panel was a bit stunned, they didn't expect the man to have suffered through that. Lan Wangji in particular looked very angry. Oh. He might have just screwed up this interview.

"You said you have a son, would he prevent you from working to your full potential?"

"No. Of course, I would spend my weekends and any time before and after work with him but he would not limit or reduce my abilities. In the week, he will stay with my friends until I can afford to send him to a nursery or daycare.

"Won't his mother look after him?" Interrupted an insensitive one.

"No. His mother is dead. And his actual father. Unfortunately. When they died, I was the only one who could look after him and I refused to let him experience being in a children's home for his entire childhood.

The interviewers were all very taken aback by this kindly and selfless man. He was very different to all of the other candidates (be that for good or bad). After a few more questions, Wei Ying was finished and returned home to Wen Qing's house.

The sun had not quite set yet so Wen Qing and himself decided to take A-yuan out to the park. They chatted about how he felt the day had gone and then they played with A-yuan: pushing him on the swings and riding on the kiddie slide. Wei Ying felt happy to be - at least temporarily - free of worries and able to spend time with this makeshift family he had formed.

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