Chapter 9

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3rd Person POV

Lan Zhan stared out of his huge floor length windows onto the street below waiting for his secretary's arrival. He wasn't in much of a mood to be productive and with every minute the younger male hadn't arrived, he became less amicable. Although technically, Wei Ying was not yet late (the job required him to arrive at 8.30 and it was still only 8.25) in contrast with his usual time of arrival, the man was unimaginably tardy. 

Suddenly, a huge, sleek, black motorbike pulled up next to the building and two men got off. One was dressed in worn black leathers and the other in a crimson blazer, high waisted loose pants and a black turtle neck. The one in leather pulled of the others helmet before leaning in close and obscuring the other's face from view. After a couple of seconds, the man withdrew and drove of leaving the other blushing. 

The man in red finally turned so his face was in view. It was Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan felt annoyed and angry for no reason. He stormed out of his office feeling slightly betrayed. But why? He had no entitlement towards Wei Ying. For all he knew, this man was his long term partner and he arrived at work everyday in the same way. The thought plagued and frustrated Lan Zhan. 

By the time he returned, Wei Ying was ready and waiting for him. He had made Lan Zhan his usual coffee and sliced some fruits on a plate. He had also organised all of the tasks into separate relevant piles and begun his work. As much as Lan Zhan wanted to retain his annoyance and anger towards the other, he couldn't: he was reminded that this man in front of him was perfect and that the anger he felt wasn't actually anything that he had done wrong.

Wei Ying greeted him before following him into his office.

"I am so sorry for being late sir." He said bluntly and politely. He did not try to make excuses or dodge around the truth. Another of his enviable qualities. He then continued by listing out all of their tasks to complete for the day as well as going through arrangements for some upcoming schedules.

One schedule in particular stood out to Wei Ying - on Saturday there was a formal business party with some important partner companies and rivals being held in the city. It was already determined that Lan Wangji and his brother Lan Xichen would go as a representative of GUSU companies however it was expected that Lan Zhan would bring a significant other. This criteria was not a necessity to comply with however this large event would be the centre of gossip for a while so his choices would greatly impact how the event was reported.

Currently (or as far as Wei Ying knew) Lan Wangji was single so bringing a partner was ruled out of the equation - even if just a friend, rumours would spread and could easily become warped or malicious. On the other hand, being alone was not ideal either as he would probably be advanced upon by fathers advertising their daughters and hopeful women all night, reducing time that could be used to establish business deals. There was only one alternative that they could think of to suffice: Lan Zhan would bring Wei Ying as his secretary.

At the thought, a whirlwind of emotions built up inside both men. Nervousness, anxiety, excitement, fear... Wei Ying had never previously experienced this upper class culture before. He knew he couldn't refuse though, if he did he felt he would be letting down those who had given him the position and betraying Lan Zhan's trust. He graciously accepted the position and Lan Zhan informed him that they should get suits fitted specially for the event. Once the conversation ended, they went back to their work like usual.

At about four o'clock, Wei Ying left work to pick up A-yuan. The plan was that he would collect his son and then return to his office until Lan Zhan was ready. Then, the older would drive them all to his house to meet his private tailor who would measure them up for suits. 

As soon as he was in view of the nursery, A-Yuan bolted out the door and ran to hug him. He always felt bad leaving his son all day but there was no alternative and he was in good care. They rushed home together to drop off all of A-Yuan's stuff and change the boy into clean, paint-free clothes. Wei Ying picked out a cute pair of black dungarees and a stripey shirt which he paired with a cute bucket hat and baby converse. He then tied the front of A-Yuan's hair into two little bunches. He gave A-Yuan a small snack and then touched up his own hair and make-up before they went to his office.

Normally, the walk felt quite short however with the added weight of a toddler, the route seemed to stretch on and on. They walked into the building and took the elevator to the top floor, serenaded by a constant fire of 'awww's and 'cute's. Lastly, they reached Wei Ying's office and Wei Ying put A-Yuan down to give his back a break. The toddler was very excited to explore his Dad's office and ran around excitedly. 

Wei Ying indulged the child for a while answering all his 'how', 'why' and 'what' questions, inevitable from young, curious minds before straightening up the child's clothes and holding his hand explaining that they were going to meet his boss. 

Wei Ying knocked loudly on the huge wooden doors before entering with A-Yuan in tow. 

"Sorry for taking so long sir. This is my son A-Yuan, A-Yuan this is Papa's boss Mr Lan."

Lan Zhan held back his excitement at the image of Wei Ying and his child in his office looking so cute. On the other hand, A-Yuan just hid behind Wei Ying's legs peeking out when he thought no one was watching.

The adults both laughed at the child.

"A-Yuan, don't be shy. This Mister is a very nice man and it's polite to say hello!"

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