Chapter 6

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3rd Person POV

Wei Ying got the job! He was sat playing with A-yuan in their room when Wen Qing passed him the phone.

"Hello?" He said.

"Is this Mr Wei Wuxian?"


"Congratulations then Mr Wei! You have been accepted for the position of secretary to the CEO. You start on Monday. Arrive at 9am and you will briefed on everything else when you arrive."

"Really?! I got the job! Thank you so much! You don't understand how thankful I am!"

"You're welcome Mr Wei."

He hung up the phone and squealed loudly in excitement before hugging Wen Qing. Then he picked up A-yuan and hugged him tight.

"A-yuan, Daddy got the job!" He cried.

Wei Ying decided that they would have to go out and get ice cream to celebrate. Supposedly, it was his treat but Wen Qing still ended up paying. He felt so relieved to be able to support himself again. He felt truly optimistic about life for the first time in a while.

Monday morning came around quickly and Wei Ying was grateful for the concealer Wen Qing had given him as he hadn't slept well the previous night: he wanted to make sure everything was perfect for his first day. 

He woke up very early, showered, dressed, cooked breakfast, made a lunch for himself, washed and dressed A-yuan, changed his outfit, changed his outfit back, redid his hair, put A-yuan's curly locks into little ponytails at the top, pestered Wen Qing, had a bit of a panic attack, recovered...

Wen Qing looked on amused at how seriously Wei Ying was taking this job. As a long term friend, she was proud of how Wei Ying had stuck it out through thick and thin however when Wei Ying finally left the house, she felt a bit sad at how empty it seemed. She had gotten used to the boisterous behaviour of the man and would undoubtedly miss it when he moved out again.

At G.U.S.U Head Offices, Wei Ying was ready to start his job. He signed in at reception and received his ID badge and keys. Then, he travelled all the way up to the top floor where he was met by a beautiful man in a white suit who introduced himself as Xiao Xingchen.

He was given the latest model of a branded smartphone and a brand new laptop before being given a tour. Xingchen then went through all of his duties, key people to memorise, who was allowed into Lan Zhan's office without an appointment... Then he was shown to his desk and office. It was a huge black and white room with accents of gold. The desk was modern, geometric and absolutely huge. It was stunning. If he didn't know better, he would assume it was the CEO's own office.

Lastly, Xingchen took him to meet the man himself, dropping him at the door and then leaving. Wei Wuxian hesitantly knocked on the door. A deep and handsome voice responded from within,"you may come in".

Lan Wangji was sat at his desk, perfectly upright in his chair. He glanced over at Wei Ying and their eyes met for perhaps a second too long. Wei Ying's heart was going into overdrive.

"Good Morning Sir. I am to be your new secretary, is there anything you would like me to know or do before we start?"


Wei Ying's first day at work passed like a dream and the next morning he was back bright and early, raring to go. Technically, he was required to turn up by 8.30 but he was there for 7.00. They do say it's better to be early than late he supposed. 

He set up all of his things and then walked into his bosses office. He opened up the automated blinds that covered the huge floor length windows and aired out the room. Then, he sorted through and filed all of his tasks before relaxing and waiting for his boss to arrive.

An hour later at eight o'clock, Lan Wangji walked looking as impeccable as ever. He was very shocked to see a calm and relaxed Wei Wuxian waiting for him and even more surprised by the coffee and completed list of jobs he was greeted with. He knew from the interviews that Wei Ying was hardworking but this was another level.

From then on, everyday was the same, Wei Ying would be the first to arrive every morning and the last to leave. He was caring and would always make sure that Lan Wangji did not overwork and consequently forget to eat or relax. Lan Wangji trusted his abilities so much that he would even sometimes delegate some of his own tasks to Wei Ying or send him to meetings in his place. 

In addition, Wei Ying was popular throughout the company and now challenging Lan Wangji for the title of 'most desired bachelor'. Of course it meant nothing to Wei Ying and he was to professional to let his love life interfere with his work life. Well... he must admit he was always in awe of his handsome boss however it was a stupid thought so he tried to suppress any attraction he felt.

Wei Ying had known he wasn't straight since his school years however had never actively had the time to think about or indulge his feelings so he assumed this attraction arose due to his new found relaxed lifestyle without so much stress and with more spare time. He had confided to Wen Qing about his feelings but still they would not go away like he had hoped.

He sighed to himself. Everything would sort itself out in the end.

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