Chapter 17

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When Wei Ying woke up the next morning he felt overcome with weariness and fatigue. His joints ached, his head pounded and his eyes were bleary. He had rested well for most of the night however it had little effect. He began to stretch out his muscles but hesitated as he felt himself kick something. Something large and warm and very human shaped. 

He immediately became more awake as he realised that his boss was lying next to him and that he had been using the older's chest as a pillow. Wei Ying could die of embarrassment right there and then. 

Disturbed by the younger's fidgeting, Lan Zhan also slowly woke up. Once he had properly come to and taken in his surroundings, he grabbed Wei Ying's shocked face. He pressed his large hands against his forehead and sighed out in relief when he reassured himself that the younger's fever had retracted and therefore he was at least a bit better.

"How are you feeling?" He said in a deep, rough and rather sexy voice.

Wei Ying blushed slightly which was very out of character. Normally, he had the thickest skin out there yet how come a small question from this man in his bed made him crumble so easily.

"I... I'm fine. A little achey but I'll live." He muttered out.

Wangji felt very guilty. They quickly got up and exited to the living room area to find Xue Yang snoring on the couch. Lan Zhan couldn't resist his urge and kicked the man watching him startle awake. 

He shuffled over and made space for the two other men. They both interrogated Wei Ying about his symptoms while Wei Ying tried to distract the conversation. He really couldn't get used to having people care about him that much and he wanted the attention to shift away from him. He got up to make breakfast but was fiercely halted in his attempts and pushed back into his seat. He was wrapped up in a blanket and told to rest whilst Lan Zhan whipped up some food. Just to clarify, Xue Yang also would've offered however he had a notoriously bad history with cooking and Wei Ying valued his kitchen enough that he wasn't willing to risk it. 

From his cosy position on the sofa, he watched as the older immersed himself in his work a handsome guise of concentration falling over his thick brows. His strong, muscular arms beating and chopping and mixing with expertise. His messy hair that settled haphazardly atop his head with bits sticking out in every direction.

When breakfast was announced as ready, the three men and A-Yuan all gathered round the table, mouths watering. The aroma of warm, home cooked food blessing their noses and teasing their taste buds. The table had been set out with an abundance of food it had probably never seen before. There was omelettes, boiled, scrambled, poached and fried eggs, soup, vegetable side dishes, rice, sausages, pork, sea weed wrappers, pancakes, syrup, fruit... each releasing its own enticing scent.

They ate well, even Wei Ying who had thought that he would struggle to keep anything down and Lan Zhan was thanked for his good culinary skills. Xue Yang whisked A-Yuan off to help him wash the dishes and Wei Ying returned to his blankets on the couch leaving Lan Zhan.

"Would you mind if I used your shower?", He asked Wei Ying, who obviously agreed.

"Thank you", He responded before slipping into the bathroom and under the warm waters of the shower.

He realised slightly late that there was a bit of an issue arising. Firstly, he did not have a towel and he had not asked Wei Ying which one he could use. Secondly, the clothes that he had borrowed to sleep in were not something that he could really wear out and the remainder of last night's suit was also not really an option so he needed to find some more clothes that would fit. 

He turned of the shower and shouted through the bathroom door.

"Umm... Wei Ying can I borrow a towel?"

On the other side of the door, the younger's eyes were like saucers. He couldn't believe that he had forgotten to give the older a towel. Oh well, there was a couple in there that should be clean.

"You can just take one off of the shelf in there. Sorry about that." 

Lan Zhan dried himself off and then wrapped the towel around his toned waist before stepping out of the bathroom and into the main living space. Immediately, he felt Wei Ying's big eyes glued to him. The younger watched as a bead of water dripped off of his hair and onto his toned chest before cascading down his abs and lower before being met with the harsh border of the fluffy, white towel. 

"Um, sorry again for imposing but I don't suppose you have any clothes that I could borrow do you?" Said Lan Zhan.

Forcefully dragging his eyes away, he slowly absorbed the question.

"Well... I think that t-shirt that you had on last night is the only one that will fit your shoulders. Oh, Xue Yang, could you let Mr Lan borrow some clothes?"

Xue Yang grunted an affirmative response before disappearing in the general direction of his apartment. Something about the formal address that Wei Ying had just used felt uncomfortable to Lan Zhan. Too formal.

"By the way, please call me Lan Zhan outside of work", He said to Wei Ying.

"Okay Lan Zhan." He said and Lan Zhan's heart soared.

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