Chapter 11

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3rd Person POV

The two chatted lightheartedly as Nie Huaisang took his necessary measurements. The atmosphere was very relaxed and free of tension. Suddenly, Nie Huaisang cleared his throat to speak again.

"So... unless my gaydar is completely wrong - which I would like to add it never is - you must be gay, or at least on the LGBTQ+ spectrum." Announced Huaisang very boldly.

Wei Ying was taken aback by the man's forwardness: no one had ever declared that Wei Ying was gay for him before. He was pretty sure something was backwards here, shouldn't it be him coming out of the closet and not somebody else dragging him out. Oh well. Huaisang himself didn't exactly scream homophobic, judgemental or prejudiced and he didn't really mind others knowing that he was gay. If they didn't support him, that was their choice and it would be his choice to consequently not associate with them.

"Uh, yeah, your right. To be honest I haven't ever given it much thought in terms of labels but I guess I like men."

Nie Huaisang squealed deafeningly loud before pouncing on Wei Ying and hugging him like he had just received the best news ever!

"Oh my gosh yay!" He yelled, "Finally someone who I can chat to about hot men. You will give me your number and we will now become besties, it's non-negotiable." He declared.

Wei Ying just laughed and agreed. He really liked the other's bold temperament.

"Anyways, so what do you think?" He inquired.

"Of what?" Replied Wei Ying.

"Your boss, duh. He's so hot - not my type - but you two look fantastic together! I mean when you walked in together I was willing to believe you were some hidden husband who he had eloped and had a child with. And I mean he could definitely be into you. Sure, he's never had a proper boyfriend before but at the same time he's also never had a serious girlfriend either so... Oh wait. I just assumed, you haven't got a partner have you?"

"No. Not as of ever. No proper partners." Responded Wei Ying slightly embarrassed at the direction the conversation was travelling.

"Well then. That's that. You two will be my favourite ship from now on, you can't stop me."

'Whatever', thought Wei Ying. It wasn't exactly something he was particularly opposed to.


The measurements were finally done and Wei Ying and his son were ready to go home. It was already dark outside and Lan Zhan insisted on driving the two back to their apartment. Wei Ying felt his phone buzz as he was getting in the car. It was from Xue Yang.

Xue Yang
How are you?
I noticed you and A-Yuan aren't back yet?
Do you need a lift?
That sounds a bit creepy sorry!

Wei Ying
We're fine!
We had to go to my boss's house to sort some stuff out. He's driving us back so we don't need a lift! We'll be back in about 10 minutes.

Xue Yang
Is that the one you were all dressed up for.
Someone's got a crush!
Remember, be careful, men are actual dogs sometimes.
See you later!

Wei Ying
Yah! Xue Yang you twerp.
Ur so mean.
Im gonna cry now.

Xue Yang's comments had made him flush a brilliant fuchsia from embarrassment. From the driver's seat, Lan Zhan looked suddenly annoyed. From his perspective, Wei Ying had been keenly texting someone who had caused him to blush. A love interest? The man from this morning? He felt so unnecessarily aggravated.

"By the way, when we get there let me give you my phone number. I know you already have my work one, but I also have my personal one so I can text you if there is anything urgent."

Wei Ying just nodded in agreement. 

As Lan Zhan pulled into the apartment block, he noticed a tall stranger standing pensively by the entrance. Wei Ying got out of the car and picked up A-Yuan before asking Lan Zhan to wait a second. He rushed over to the taller man, quickly said some stuff and then handed his sleeping child over before rushing back.

"Sorry! I don't want to wake up A-Yuan so i gave him to Yang-ge. You said about giving me your number?"

Lan Zhan had zoned out right around the words 'Yang-ge'. GE?! GE! It sounded so affectionate and sweet coming out of his mouth. He secretly wanted Wei Ying to call him Zhan-ge too... He zoned back in as Wei Ying cautiously waved his hand in front of Lan Zhan's face.

"Ah, yes." He said curtly, inputting his number before returning to his car and driving off. In his wing mirrors behind him he could already see Wei Ying's blushy face as that Yang guy rustled his hair around and teased him. Was this jealousy? Why was he jealous? He didn't like Wei Ying like that did he?


That night, Lan Zhan was restless. He barely slept a wink. Instead, images of Wei Ying happily chatting to that man, blushing at his words, leaning in close... filled his mind. The man holding A-Yuan also particularly stuck in his mind. He had felt so privileged to have been given the responsibility of holding A-Yuan but perhaps he shouldn't have taken it so seriously. He convinced himself though that the child fitted better and looked more comfortable when he held him.

ARRGGHHHH. He groaned. Why was it such a big issue? He just wanted to sleep!

The next morning he stormed into the office with huge bags beneath his eyes. He looked a dishevelled mess and seeing Wei Ying's smiley face for once didn't help. Wei Ying walked into his office with his coffee and tasks but Lan Zhan spoke before the younger could.

"What's the deal with the Yang guy?"


Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading and supporting this story! I hope you all have a happy new year!  Please vote and comment!

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