Chapter 16 - Heads Will Roll

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Chief Bloodborne

A group of my men and I trudged toward home. We had been on the front line against Blackwater and their alliances for about three weeks. We were returning with some of our wounded and dead. I felt it was only moral to inform their families of their demise myself. Otherwise, I would have stayed on the front lines with the rest of my men. Blackwater now knows we are a force to reckon with, but it came at a cost. Unlike Corvus, I did not view my men as expendable. They are my brethren, and I will honor them even in death.

I still have not figured out how to explain this war to her. We had grown closer during those few fleeting moments together. I found myself thinking of her often while out on the battlefield- while killing her father's soldiers. Shame washed over me at the reminder of this untold truth between her and me. How would she take this news? It is my nature to be blunt, but I could not utter the truth for fear she would hate me. The Orruk Chief that can't nut up and face his problems, I thought to myself. Why do I care what a human thinks of me anyhow?

Amity trudged forward, pulling the wagon of dead behind us. We could not be more than an hour away from home. It was early morning. I knew we would need to stop to tend to our wounded, so I figured it would take longer than that to get back. The sun was still low in the sky. I guessed we still had about four hours left before midday. I hoped to be home before the heat set in, especially with these bodies.

We were just about to stop next to a stream when we heard something crashing through the trees. Whatever it was headed right toward us. I got in front of my men and readied my weapon. In a blur, someone crashed through the vegetation. I nearly swung the hammer I wielded but stopped just in time. It was Halvard, one of my warriors. I had requested him and another orc, Torsten, to keep an eye on Brenna. Our walls have been more secure, but I was wary of contempt from my people. I did not think things would come to that because I trusted my people, but desperate people make desperate decisions.

He hunched over, trying to catch his breath. "Chief- Chief Bloodborne," he panted.

"Halvard, what are you doing out here? What has happened?"

"Lady Brenna. Sir," he said, still huffing.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I felt a pang of sickness creep into my gut. "What's happened, Halvard!" I growled. "Speak!"

"She's gone, sir. Someone has taken her," he uttered. "She was out by the water yesterday evening. When I came to check on her, she was gone."

I tried to remain calm. "Do you think Brenna left on her own?" I pleaded, hoping that was the case because I could not fathom the alternative.

Halvard's expression darkened, "No, sir. Her things were by the edge of the water- there was blood on the ground where she had been. I have sent a group of men and wargs to track her down. We have questioned everyone. No one knows anything. We have spread out and are moving south to find her."

"I thought I told you to keep an eye on her!" I growled out of anger. "You best pray to the Gods that she is found alive." He did not respond. He just waited for directions. My blood ran cold. I could feel the madness building within me. Someone had deliberately gone against my orders. I looked over to my men to tell them without saying it. I had to go. I jumped down from Amity and unhooked the traces from her harness. The wagon of deceased orcs tipped forward as it detached from Amity.

"I will kill whoever is a part of this." I mounted Amity, kicked my heels into her side, and took off. There was only one way they would get through to Blackwater without getting too close to our warriors. I just hoped they had not beaten me there. Whoever has done this had to be attempting to take her to Corvus.

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