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Another issue on the plate was how we're going to recover from the huge amount of loss we've suffered. Yes, we had enough makeup artists, hairstylists and the photography team were doing a great job. The graphic designers too have been working their life out. We are short of designers and models in the womenswear department and the new collection won't even make up to half of our loss. With the wedding in less than a month, I don't even know what to do.

I parked at the parking area at Nosta Cafe. It was now favourite Cafe, well in Nigeria that is. It was the closest substitute I had for Starbucks. I payed the security to get me a Caramel macchiato. Now that everyone knows about the wedding, the last thing I want is for people to bombard me with questions I know I'm not ready to answer. Sooner or later, I'll have to face them, that, I knew.

He handed the coffee to me, I thanked him before handing him another three thousand Naira.

Incoming group voice call from BUNCH OF CRAZIST; Mimi, Kubra, Jannah, Mufid, Saif and Adam.

"What's good guys?" I yelled over the phone folding my legs on the driver's seat. The car was tinted so no one would be able to disturb me.

"We're planning your wedding. I think the girls should wear black dresses for all the event, the boys would look good in dark green." Jannah shouted, causing a malfunction in my eardrums.

"How the heck does that sound in your head?" Mimi laughed.

"Uh Awesome. Duh!" Jannah screamed.

"You're out of your mind. It's a wedding not a burial ceremony!" Mufid exclaimed loudly.

"How about pink for the girls then blue for the men?" Saif suggested.

"It's a wedding not an elementary school play. Grow up. And stop calling us girls we are ladies." Kubra  snapped at her boyfriend.

"Will you two owls quit flirting and focus on the preparation."Adam hissed.

"You call that flirting? No wonder you're still single. We'll leave the costume selection for Mimi-the only trusted designer. Now to the number of events...." Jannah ranted off.

"I think four events will do." Mufid stated.

"Little party for her friends; both gender, bridal shower, Kanu/henna party, reception, cocktail party and walimah." Mimi listed them out.

"That's too small, it's my cousin's wedding. I want it to be wild and fun." Adam exclaimed with excitement.

"The events are okay, we wouldn't want it to be extravagant." Kubra said in a tired voice.

"What's extravagant about it? She's a celebrity, daughter of the wealthy multi billionaire businessman and her mother is one of Nigeria's best real estate agent, sister to the COO of Mahirs Enterprise, friend to so many influencers; all of you inclusive. It's bound to be extra!" Jannah yelled loudly.

"I still think it's too much."

"I don't remember seeking your validation."

"Shut your mouth hole." Kubra snapped.

"Why don't you make me?"

"Think before you talk do you even listen to the shit that comes out from your mouth." Jannah bellowed at Kubra.

"I don't argue with idiots they'll just lower me to their level then beat me with experience."

"Says the girl that can't even hurt a beetle. I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter statement than that." Mufid mocked.

"You have the entire year to be a jerk, why not take the day off?" Mimi hissed.

"Did I step on your dress little miss Cinderella." Mufid taunted.

"Are you always such an idiot or do you just show off when you're talking to human beings!" Jannah exclaimed.

My heart beat hastened as I heard faint voices in my head. Their argument was slowly blurring away from my ears.

"Can you people shut the fuck up!?" I raised my voice so high, my lungs couldn't take it. Suddenly, it all went quiet.  There was a serene quiteness in the air.

"You people are very selfish. When I saw your call I had assumed you called to make me feel better, did you guys even care to ask how I feel about the whole wedding? You guys know more than anyone how much I despise the man I'm getting married to yet you chose to be ignorant about it. My fashion line has gone through a huge loss and I have no idea how to regain our loss. Now that the media knows about the wedding do you even know what the pressure is like? I'm just twenty  yet I'm going through lots of shit! Do you fucking know how it fucking feels?" I screamed my lungs out breaking down into sobs. I sobbed and sobbed till my throat started hurting.

"We're so sorry Sabrina we didn't even think about how you—-" Adam started before I cut him off.

"Cut the fucking crap and fuck off. All of you!" I cringed at my choice of words. I never swear, it must have startled them. I'm the friend that always stops them from swearing because it's haram but here I am swearing like a lunatic.

"Please stop swearing..." Saif said.

"It's scaring all of us. Don't do anything that will hurt you please." Mimi exclaimed.

I turned on the ignition and reversed the car angrily. I horned impatiently at the security of the Cafe to open the gate. I got strangers staring at the car, muttering all sorts of stuff to their selves.

"Wait are you driving? Please be careful." Kubra and Jannah pleaded.

"Don't call me again." I cut the call and flung the phone behind the passenger's seat, not caring about it safety.

I rushed to my room and shut the door, double locking it with my key. I removed the Abaya and threw it on the floor I was left only with my briefs and bra. I shut all the windows and closed the curtains. Opening my drawer, I brought out a sharp mini knife.

I sprawled myself on the ground, shivering like a penguin in the North Pole. All the blood in my body had taken refuge in my head, my whole body was burning up despite the cold atmosphere. I gazed at the ceiling, despondently. I held the knife in my left hand, diving it into my lap. I slit my two laps till blood started dropping. I shut my eyes to ingest the stinging pain that flashed through my body. I shove the knife again, making a straight line on my thighs. I felt pain and happiness at the same time. It was a feeling of relief, the feeling I've longed for in a while.

Cutting myself is my escape from reality, it made me feel euphoric. I felt nothing but the pain of the sharp object, I forgot about my worries. I started cutting my thighs when I was twelve years old, no one knows about it till date and I plan on keeping it this way. It's my coping mechanism, it distracts me from my anxiety and depression.


Double fire🔥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora