Jess POV (Chapter 22)

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Hey, guys today it's going to be a shortish chapter, to all of my loyal readers and new followers I just want to thank you for choosing this book. To my older followers thank you for sticking with me, however amount of time you have been following me. Today I am shouting out to these 4 people 





I am not sure if I mentioned all of these guys before but comment on this chapter or follow me to be mentioned. Also, check out my other Koltc book on my account. Ok now that I have finished advertising let's get on with the story. Also P.S the girl up top is Amisha. Apologies for the late story. 

I got out of the limo and sashayed to school. Snapping my fingers a butler took my bag and I quickly rushed to the bathroom. There I checked my makeup and while fixing it I let my thoughts drift to my not-so-much boyfriend. Every day since that terrible Sophie Foster had shown up Keefe had distanced himself more and more from me. I don't understand why he would want to do that as we hve been a happy couple since 10th grade. 

As I finish up my lipstick and fluff up my hair, I take  deep breath and let those thoughts. Keefe will come back to me I am sure of it. He won't stay on the brown eyed freaks side. I am sure of it. After all he still has not broken up with me and that better count for something. 

I pick up my purse and with one last look in the mirror sashay out of the bathroom to my next class. Thinking along the way, maybe I should do something to look hotter. Like plastic surgery maybe? With this thought in my head I continue walking to class. 

Hey guys , so I hope you liked this chapter it is a filler but aslso will move the story along a lot. Do you guys think Jess shoukd get plastic surgery? Also quick question what should I do for my 1k special even though we actually have 1.2k reads. I can do another Linh Pov or Fitz or Biana or maybe Cassius Sencen POV. tell me in the comments. Now I am gonna tiptoe away before you guys come at me with spears for not updating last week like I promised. Byeeeee.......


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