Chapter 10(Jess POV)

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Hey guys this is Sandra up top I will introduce her later in the chapter She is Co-Leader of the PSG(Popular Sexy and Girly) group Sandra is also Jesses cousin twice removed Enjoy the chapter( now I run away before you start chasing me with pitchforks and fire 

"Best week of your life" I heard Fitz a super-rich hottie ask. I moved closer to see Sophie turn whip around. 

"I thought girls chose," she told him with venom in her voice

"Well girls do choose but they usually pick me or Keefe and since Keefe has the lovely Jess I am guessing you chose me. " Fitz answered her with a bit of embarrassment and jocky pride in his voice. 

Sophie then said something that almost made me fall over in shock "Wasn't there a choice between a money prize or dating one of the boys of my choice for a week."

"Well yes," Fitz said his face coloring a bit " But you already have a lot of money why would you need more."

"I don't but the orphanage I came from imagine what they could do with that money," She said jutting her hip to her side. Then she said, "I choose the money." Fitz whipped out his check quickly and then handed it to her.  Then he winked and gave her his movie star smile (guys the reference is right there) "You know my offer still stands" he draped an arm around her shoulder the said, "Saturday night then?"  She looked absolutely furious and then slapped him. I gasped and walked over to Sandra and told her what I had just seen and heard. She gasped and slathered on some more lipstick Then she headed over to Fitz giving him a flirty smile.

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