Keefe POV (Chapter 14)

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The detention room was on the 3rd floor and Keefe was very accustomed to spending lunch here.  In fact, the grey door with the little window and the silver doorknob was the entrance to the only class he always went to. Yet today a surprise lay behind that door. When he scanned the room he found a new face with beautiful brown eyes, framed with wavy golden blond hair. She looked too innocent to be here. Yet she was.  Keefe quickly pasted a smirk on his face and walked towards her with a small jump in every step.  "Hey Foster, fancy seeing you here."Sophie looked surprised but then looked a little relieved,

"At least I know someone here" she replied to him. But, then Miss Galvin, she insisted that they call her Lady Galvin, clapped her hands together loudly and startled them both. 

"Mr. Sencen, Miss Foster your love story can continue after and not interrupt detention. Correct?" she asked raising an eyebrow. Foster flushed red and then lowered her head so her beautiful hair covered her face. While I just smirked again. Then Lady Galvin continued "Get into pairs and - Keefe your with me- start dancing." Keefe groaned he had wanted to pair up with Foster.  Dancing with her, with her beautiful brown innocent eyes staring at him as she tripped over her feet dancing the tango would have been hilarious but instead, Valin got her. He looked like a dog in love while dancing with her. He was literally drooling Keefe fought to laugh at how ridiculous he looked. Lady Galvin shot Keefe a stern look that said pick up the pace. This time detention with Lady Galvin was the hardest of all. When it was finally over he strode over to Foster. 

"How long are you in for?" Keefe asked truly curious what such an innocent person could have done to get into this hell of a room.

"Till midterms"Sophie replied before flushing red again. 

Keefe whistled "What did you do to land for that long," he asked impressed yet eager to figure out what she had done. She shook her head flushed red yet said nothing. This was killing him. Yet he let it slide. She was never going to budge and he was not going to push it, she would tell him when it was the right time. 

Hey guys another chapter done thanks for all the views and sorry I did not update for so long I was really busy. I will try to update tomorrow but then I am going away for spring break so I will update in about 2- 3 weeks. See ya and enjoy your spring breaks



The Stars of Destinyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें