Chapter 21 (Sophie POV)

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Hey, guys, I am wayyyyy too lazy to write that and I can't copy and paste so if you want to read it The Alpha's Love is on my profile. Anyway, welcome to the chapter section with the most drama I can't wait to write all of this drama. On the other note, 900 views guys OMG 100 away from 1k I can't believe you seriously all rock. 

When Biana called me and told me there was a sleepover I honestly got really scared. The Vacker's sleepovers had always ended really weirdly and usually, Biana only threw them to pair someone up together. And it really was not hard to guess who. Me. But, I packed my bag and ran downstairs to ask for a ride.

Edaline happily agreed and we went out to the car. While we drove Edaline chatted off about how I should behave and if something, Anything happened just call her. This was the first time that I felt like I had a normal mother in so long. 

When Edaline dropped me off I rang the doorbell and waited at the gold-colored gates that lead into the Vacker estate. I was surprised at the size of it as Biana said this was the smallest of the 9 others that they had. After a few seconds, the gates slowly opened to reveal Biana standing there along with Fitz. Biana skipped happily up to hug me while Fitz shot me a wink and a kiss. Biana hopped back to see why I had winced then turned around to still see her brother making googly eyes at me and looked back at me with understanding in her eyes.

After a minute Biana reached for my hand and pulled me to her room. 

"Makeover time" she exclaimed giddily

I tried to protest but Biana was already in her closet mumbling to herself about how I would look in purple.

I took that opportunity and ran for my life. Not looking where I was going I tripped on the last stair of the staircase out of Biana and Fitz's floor and fell into someone's arms. 

"Miss me Foster?" a familiar voice from above asked. 

My face turned bright red as I flushed. 

I looked up to see Keefe smirking. I flushed even redder this time and quickly mumbled an apology and a few awkward seconds passed. 

I pulled away but quickly regretted it as it was like falling into an icy tundra. We stared at each other not knowing what to say as a voice interrupted our very awkward moment "Uh Keefe can I talk to you for a sec." I  turned around to see Fitz standing there with an annoyed face. 

Keefe shook his head and smirked at me before turning to Fitz and answering "Sure Fitzypoo" turning back to me he whispered theatrically "Don't miss me too much Foster"  

I blushed and looked down before mumbling " Shut it"

Suddenly a voice from upstairs rang out " Sophieee, I finally found the perfect dress for you come here." 

Using every survival instinct I had in my stupid body I bolted pushing past Keefe and Fitz. Fitz Not keeping his balance landed on his butt and Biana chased after he landed on top. Still running I laughed to myself.

Hi Guys almost 1k I will literal cry if we reach 1k I honestly don't know how to thank you enough so um guys comment whos Pov you want for the 1k special as I intend it to be the next chapter or the one after that. Sorry this took so long to write. Enjoy the drama packed chapter and I look forward to writing another one.


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