chapter 17

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I was happy but sad and hurt at the same time because this wasn't what I pictured in my mind to happen the moment we would finally be free.

I thought, mom and I would be with Xzavier leaving Safe Haven but everything didn't happen according to our plan. All our memories together; those special moments we spent together, came back to me while looking at the solemnly beautiful yet hell mountainous area.

Before, whenever I thought about Xzavier and our moments together, it always made me giddy with total happiness. But it was different this time because it brought nothing but pain and sadness as if my heart was being stabbed a thousand times.

Then, my heart jumped when I suddenly saw that familiar house from a far. Xzavier's house. There was a sudden urge for me to go to his house and talk to him but I knew that I couldn't do that anymore. We're finally on our way to freedom and safety...but without him.

I felt the need to cry my heart out because my chest felt so heavy. But strangely, not a single tear fell.

I was pulled out of my deep thoughts when I felt my mother squeeze my hand gently. I looked at her and she gave me a smile, as if telling me that everything would be alright.

I forced a smile even though it was so hard for me to appear fine.

"Are you okay, Sabina?" I was surprised when I heard a voice through the headphone that I was wearing. It was the pilot. He was one of the people who saved us.

"How did you know my name?" He looked at me.

"Someone told me."


He smiled. "I'm sorry, Sabina, but I can't tell you right now. I know that you're tired from all the things that you've been through so it's better for you to sleep and rest." He then focused on piloting the helicopter. I didn't answer and closed my eyes. He was right. I was physically and mentally tired.

"That's right. Sleep so that you wouldn't think about him even just for a moment." I heard him mutter but it didn't register on my mind because shortly after that, sleep finally consumed me.

When we arrived in the city of Paris, I was totally mesmerized by everything around us. It was so amazingly beautiful and I was at a loss for words.

"I can't believe this is what a city looks like, mom." I voiced out while looking around us. I felt like a kid at the moment.

"Yes, my dear. Your dad and I grew up in the city and it was wonderful. Even though our life back then wasn't a bed of roses, it was still amazing." My mom said with a smile.

My dream finally came true. I finally set my feet on the city and I wasn't disappointed. Everything my eyes see were new to me and I was hungry to see more of it.

"For now, you will stay here until you want to. You don't have to worry about anything. Everything has been taken care of for your arrival." The man whom we were with said when we arrived on top of what they call a tall building which was located in the heart of the city according to him. He then opened the door and my jaw dropped when I saw what was inside.

"Wow. This is such a beautiful house. I can't believe that a house would be located on this high building." I uttered in awe.

"You're right, my dear. Such a luxury. Whoever owns this is surely rich." My mother agreed while looking around like me. The man who was with us chuckled.

Desiderio Ardente (The beauty & the possessive series 6)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin