chapter 46

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ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I posted before that the next story would be Red's but I decided to postpone it for the meantime. The plot is not yet solid and I need to revise it. So, after this story, I will start a new story which is more ready to be published here on Wattpad. Anyway, I hope you like this update. Just one chapter more before the Epilogue. Bon weekend, Amores!



I was about to respond when I felt like the ship has started moving. Then, I unintentionally looked outside and realized that the ship had indeed started sailing away from the dock.

"Oh, God, Akira! The ship is sailing away from the dock! What do we do now?!" Panic was already invading my whole senses and didn't know what to do.

"I told you, Sabina. Everything's going to be okay." She seemed to be calm as she stared at the endless expanse of water ahead of us, leaning against the taffrail.

"How can you say that when they're taking us away from this place against our will?!" I asked her incredulously and she shrugged her shoulders almost uncaringly; didn't even bother to look at me. She looked brooding.

I huffed and was about to storm out of there to look for a way to escape this situation when Carlo, who was surveying us nearby, spoke.

"Father Nicolas instructed for you to stay here and you can't wander off the ship without his permission."

I gave him a cold stare. "Fùck his permission! I don't need it to go wherever I please. He took me here against my will!" I snapped at him, couldn't take it anymore that I didn't even realize that I was already cursing.

"He's your husband—"

"—He's not my husband! Never! I don't have any relationship with him or whatever so stop telling me that!"

"What's going on here?" Everyone looked at the direction of Father Nicolas who just came back. My jaw flexed. Seeing the man I loathed the most was sending my blood into a boil. But instead of shouting at him, I decided to deal with him as calm as I could.

"What do you want me to do for you to let me go?" His eyebrows arched.

"Let you go?" He shook his head. "Absolutely nothing, Sabina. From now on, there's only me and you and no one can separate us no matter what. You belong to me."

I cringed so hard. "You, sick b*stard! I don't want to be with you! And please, stop talking as if there's something going on between us because that will never ever happen! You repulse me! I belong to no one other than Cryxus Xzavier Montaño! Keep that in mind!" I saw how his face turn red in rage but I couldn't care less anymore. He needed to hear the truth for once and for all.

I knew why he was doing all this and it made me sick to my stomach that a person like him who should be the one to demonstrate kindness to others was the one who terrorizes and causing pain onto others because of his selfish ambitions.

"What did you just say?"

I raised my chin defiantly and met his gaze. "I know why you're doing this to me and I'll make sure that you will never achieve your goals. I'm the key to your success, right? Then, I will do everything I can to stop whatever you're plotting to do.

"I'm thankful that I managed to escape Safe Haven but I pity those who are still there until now, suffering and living like a robot under your leadership not knowing that you're nothing but a money and power-hungry b*stard who only uses them for your own good.

Desiderio Ardente (The beauty & the possessive series 6)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu