chapter 4

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I squealed in surprise when I suddenly felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist. Thankfully, I quickly managed to cover my mouth with my hand or else, we would risk getting caught.

"Hmmm...I'm glad, you came."

"Xzav! You startled me!" I hissed as I unwrapped his arms around me. He laughed but I quickly covered his lips with my hand, worried that someone might hear him.

"Tone down your voice! What if the guards hear you?!"

"How many times do I have to repeat to you that they won't. Besides, the sound of the waterfalls is loud enough to kinda muffle our voices here." I chewed on my bottom lip worriedly.

"Don't you trust my words?"

I released a breath. "It's not like that, Xzav. It's just that, I can't help but to get paranoid. I don't want them to harm you." He smiled, placed a finger under my chin as our eyes locked.

"Just trust me and everything will be okay. I promise you that, Ina." I finally smiled and nodded my head.

"Okay. I trust you, Xzav." I didn't know why but one look from those tantalizing eyes of his and I felt like everything would really be okay.

"That's music to my ears. Anyway, let's go?" My forehead crinkled.

"Let's go? To where?"

He smiled boyishly. "It's a surprise." He then held out his hand for me. "C'mon, Ina. Let's go."

"But I can't—"

"—Don't worry, Ina. I got you. I'll take you back before 5. You mentioned to me several times that you wanted to get out of here, right? Well, I'll take you somewhere. Not totally out of the mountains but at least, out of Safe Haven. So, let's go?" I looked at his hand and then gingerly accepted it.

The thought of me going somewhere else brought me so much excitement and desire to see another place aside from Safe Haven.

"This place has nothing but mountains though."

He gave me a lopsided grin. "You'll see." I thought, we would be walking on the riverside because there was no other pathway known to the people of Safe Haven aside from that but to my surprise, we went deeper into the forest.

I've never been there before because I was afraid to encounter any wild animals. The leaders have been warning us about those and it got etched in my mind while growing up.

Then, after walking for about 30 minutes, my jaw dropped when I saw a rough narrow road and something caught my eyes on the side.

"Oh, my. I didn't know that there was a road here. Is that a car?" I wasn't sure if it was because I only saw one in old picture books that I grew up reading.

"Yes. It is." I slowly walked up to it full of awe, totally mesmerized by it. I touched it.

"It's feels sturdy and cold."

"Of course, it is. It's made of steel after all." I nodded my head as I walked around it, inspecting every detail of it full of amazement. Then, I heard a sound.

Xzav was already inside the car. He then got out and opened the door for me.

"Shall we go, Ina?" I excitedly got in and I felt like a kid looking around merrily. I couldn't contain my happiness of this new experience. But then, my excitement died down a little bit when I remembered about something.

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